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What's happening the first week of July with WNPJ member groups!? Check it out here!


WNPJ + 350 Wisconsin Art Collective Meeting + Silent Art Auction to Benefit Madison Rafah Sister City Projects + ACTION ALERT from CSWAB to Ban PFAS + other statewide events


The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin. 


What do street theater, climate grief, and critter hats have in common? They are all pieces of the many projects being coordinated by 350 Wisconsin's Art Collective.

For the July virtual monthly meeting, come hear from Art Collective leads Russ Bennett and Dianne Brakarsh about the multi-pronged activities of the Art Collective. They will share their goals for the group and how you can get involved.

WHAT: 350 Wisconsin July Monthly Meeting

WHEN: Monday, July 1, 2024 at 7 pm

ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Register in advance for the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting via computer, tablet, or smartphone. Check out some of the work of the Art Collective here





Art on Display Starting June 21 at Java Cat Coffee Shop in Madison and Online

Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (MRSCP) is partnering with more than 25 artists to present a silent art auction in response to the worsening humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

Bidding will open online at 8 am CT on June 28 and run until July 8 on more than 50 works of art, with proceeds going to Middle East Children’s Alliance  (MECA) for immediate purchase and distribution of desperately needed humanitarian aid in Gaza. 

Many of the artists represented are Wisconsin based, and their donated work includes photography, acrylic and mixed media paintings, pottery, textiles, prints, and embroidery.

Available pieces can be viewed here.  



Organizations Invited to Co-Sign Letter to White House

Please join California Communities Against Toxics and Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger (CSWAB) in calling for a national BAN on open burning PFAS and hazardous munitions wastes!

To see the letter and add your ORGANIZATION, click here.  

Laura Olah | Executive Director, Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger |



WNPJ member group events….

MADISON Mon July 1, 12 noon – 1 pm Monday Noon Vigil for Peace – Meet at the corner of MLK, Jr. Blvd and Doty St. For more information, call Tim at 608-630-3633

VIRTUAL Mon Jul 1, 7 pm  350 Wisconsin July Monthly Meeting – on the Art Collective. ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Register in advance for the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting via computer, tablet, or smartphone. Check out some of the work of the Art Collective here!   See more in the Spotlight above….

MADISON Tues July 2, 5:30 – 7 pm  Humanitarian Aid for Gaza: Silent Auction Artists Meet-and-Greet. At Java Cat Coffee Shop, 4221 Lien Road. Madison-Rafah Sister-City Project . Read more about the Silent Auction above, in the Spotlight section….

VIRTUAL Wed July 3, 2 – 3 pm Weekly Line 5 Public Comment Support with Britnie Remer of 350 Wisconsin.  Now through August 4th, the U.S. Army Corps is taking public comment on Enbridge’s proposed Line 5 expansion in northern Wisconsin. This is a significant opportunity to tell the Corps and the Biden Administration about our concerns regarding this risky project! If you’re feeling stuck in the process, need help with talking points, or are just looking for general support as you write your comments, feel free to virtually drop in and chat with Britnie, our Fossil Fuel Organizer, on Wednesdays through the end of July!. Register here:    Learn more on Facebook. 

LaCROSSE Thurs July 4, 12 noon - 12:30 pm Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. A weekly vigil for peace every Thursday. Contact Deborah.  (It’s a holiday – please check with organizers)

MILWAUKEE Sat July 6, 12 noon - 1 pm Peace Action WI - Weekly STAND for PEACE: 76th and North. Each Saturday, a different location.  Join us. Bring your signs.   

VIROQUA Sat July 6, 11 am - 12 noon Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Action Alert: The Driftless Palestinian Solidarity group has a petition to demand that Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and end financial aid to Israel's military.  If your group is interested in getting signatures, please email Thank you for your help! 

RACINE Sat July 6, 12:30 – 1:30 pm Weekly Stand for Peace. At NW corner of Highways 31 and 20. Park in the SW corner of the Kohl's parking lot, near the AT&T store. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. We have signs, banners and flags available for all. Check out our website,    for weather concerns. Free Palestine!

APPLETON Sat July 6, 11 am – 12 noon Fox Valley Peace Coalition Monthly Vigil - 100 West Lawrence Street All welcome. Meets the first Saturday of each month. Contact: Ronna Swift




Join WNPJ!WNPJ welcomes individual members and groups!

For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!

For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!

We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our list-serve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.



Here's an opportunity for WNPJ member groups!

WNPJ member groups can sign up for a Saturday opportunity to TABLE at the Dane County Farmers Market – this Spring and summer at the Capitol Square. The Farmers Market opening date is April 13th – 7 am to 1 pm …and runs through Nov. 9th on Saturdays.

Bring your own table and hand-outs to the King Street corner of the Square, site #10, next to the VFP #25 table! You can't sell anything at the non-profit table, but donations to your group are acceptable.

Questions? Contact


If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US! 


Join WNPJ – 


Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available!

See our new Facebook page: 

"Like" us and follow us!

Questions? Contact


Find photos and updates from the May 18th WNPJ Annual Spring Meeting here!

The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin. 




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