WNPJ member groups are co-sponsoring this month-long series of exhibits and events throughout Wisconsin.
Pax Christi-Madison, World BEYOND War - Madison, Veterans for Peace #25 Madison, Madison Friends Meeting, Physicians for Social Responsibilty - Madison, Veterans for Peace #102, and Marquette Center for Peacemaking.
The Veterans for Peace Chapter of Milwaukee #102 has these events planned April 2 - 17, working with Marquette's Center for Peacemaking:
WAGING PEACE IN VIETNAM EXHIBIT will be on display in the lobby of Marquette's Raynor Memorial Library lobby.
All events are free and open to the public.
April 3: Grand opening event with My Lai photographer Ron Haeberle, national VFP President Susan Schnall, and activist/author/scholar David Cortright at 12:00 noon at Marquette's Alumni Memorial Union's Lunda Room.
April 4: Chuck Searcy and Ngo Thien of Project RENEW, which works to locate and remove mines, bombs and other unexploded ordnance in Quang Tri Province, will speak. Room/time to be announced.
April 15: Author Le Ly Hayslip, whose memoir, When Heaven and Earth Changed Places, was the inspiration for Oliver Stone's film, 'Heaven and Earth', wll tell of her experiences as a war refugee. Meet in the Beaumier Suites at Raynor Memorial Library, 4:30 pm.
Watch for more updates here!
Veterans for Peace
Chapter 102 vfpchapter102@gmail.com