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Waging Peace in Vietnam Exhibit and events in April - Madison


Updated: Mar 20, 2024

Special events in Madison during April.... including an Essay Contest for UW-Madison students. There will be exhibits and events in Milwaukee and Oshkosh, too.

Soldiers and Veterans who Opposed the War

Apr 1, 2024 to Apr 21, 2024


During America’s War in Vietnam, tens of thousands of GIs and veterans created a robust movement in opposition to the war. Yet its history is largely unknown. 

The Waging Peace in Vietnam exhibit and its companion book show how the GI movement unfolded, from the numerous anti-war coffeehouses springing up outside military bases, to the hundreds of GI newspapers giving an independent voice to active soldiers, to the stockade revolts and the strikes and near-mutinies on naval vessels and in the air force.

It’s time to set the record straight.

Exhibit photographs and informational panels will be on display in the Wisconsin Historical Society lobby, April 1-21.

Scheduled Events and Participants

All programs will be in the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium

Tuesday April 2, 5 PM: Opening reception, with talk: "Soldiers in Revolt" -Dissent and Resistance Within the Armed Forces, jpst John Nichols, moderated by Al McCoy - with

  • Susan Schnall, national president, Veterans for Peace;

  • Ronald L. Haeberle, former Army photographer of the iconic My Lai Massacre photographs;

  • David Cortright, Professor Emeritus and special advisor for policy, Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame. Author and editor of over 20 books including Waging Peace in Vietnam: U.S. Soldiers and Veterans who Opposed the War.

Friday April 5, noon:

  • A War Without End: Legacies of the American War in Vietnam and Among American Veterans, by Ngo Xuan Hien, communications manager, Project RENEW;

  • Chuck Searcy, co-founder and international advisor to Project RENEW;

  • Heather Bowser, founder of Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance, advocacy for offspring of Vietnam Veterans exposed to Agent Orange

  • guests Mike Boehm and Brad Geyer

Tuesday April 9, 7 PM: Movie: The War at Home, with director Glenn Silber

Wednesday April 10, 7 PM: Movie: Sir! No Sir! with director David Zeiger

Sunday, April 14, 7 PM: Movie: The Whistleblower of My Lai, documentary on the Kronos Quartet’s making of the opera My Lai, plus live performance by Vanessa Vo, Kronos Quartet soloist. traditional Vietnamese instruments.

Tuesday April 16, 7:00 PM A Vietnamese Woman's Journey from War to Peace, talk and book signing of her memoir When Heaven and Earth Changed Places, by Le Ly Hayslip, Vietnamese-American author, philanthropist, peace activist, and speaker, with Norman Stockwell, interlocutor

Sunday April 21, 2 pm: Movie: Hunting in Wartime, directed by Samantha Farinella. A documentary film exposing the mistreatment of patriotic Native American soldiers while they served in Vietnam and upon their return to the United States. Introduced by Samantha Skenandore, tribal advocate.

Further information: Judy Karofsky Phone: 608-770-5600


For UW-Madison Students: deadline April 25th!



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