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ACTION ALERT and Updates from Madison Rafah Sister City Project the end of July, 2024


Hello everyone,

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who contributed in ways large and small to our two most recent fundraisers sending humanitarian relief to Gaza via the Middle East Children's Alliance!

First, we are pleased to report that the final total raised by the Silent Art Auction for Gaza is over $5000. More than 30 artists contributed 79 beautiful works of art to the auction. And a special shout-out to Java Cat Coffee House which hosted an amazing display of these pieces and a July 2 meet-and-greet with some of the artists. Please patronize Java Cat and consider giving them a good review here.

Second, the Ride for Palestine on July 21 was a great success, with about 50 riders and at least as many non-riding attendees helping the Madison Team blow past our $3000 goal to a total of just over $7,000! You can check out all the pictures here.  A special thanks to our co-sponsors Jewish Voice for Peace-Madison and Palestine Partners.

MECA reports that they raised $280,000 of their $300,000 goal for the ride (held in Berkeley and Madison with more teams around the country). The fundraiser will remain open until the end of August, so if you would like to contribute (or contribute more) and help them reach their goal, you can do so here.

Once again, our sincere thanks...we couldn't do this without you!

Barb O.

Coordinator, MRSCP

Madison-Rafah Sister-City Proj <>


Tell Vice President Kamala Harris: 

NOTE: MRSCP does not support any political candidates or parties, but we share every opportunity to pressure our elected officials to do the right thing and put a stop to the genocide against Palestinians.



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