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The week of March 4th: WNPJ + Peace Teach-in + Weaving the Web Drop-in Hour + Clean Water Action Council tip + A Path to Peace class registration + other statewide events


Spotlight on WNPJ member groups:

They are inviting you to an online teach-in on media activism:“Make War Visible ... And End It”

…. with Norman Solomon, author of the book War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine.  Tuesday, March 5th – 7 pm

Kathy Kelly, President of World BEYOND War will introduce journalist and activist Norman Solomon -- As wars continue in Gaza, Ukraine, and elsewhere, efforts to stop them are up against a powerful military-industrial-media complex in the United States. No matter how much coverage of war comes through mainstream news outlets, the human realities of war are scarcely conveyed. Cosponsored by the RootsAction Education Fund. Join Zoom Meeting


JOIN WNPJ for our Monthly Weaving the Web Virtual Drop-in Hour – Thursday, Mar 7th, 12 noon. Board member, Mary Kay Baum is hosting today’s call!

All welcome! Zoom info: 

Meeting ID: 893 6131 3008 - Passcode: 797041; +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 


Our member group Clean Water Action Council reminds us that Wisconsin's Focus on Energy offers multiple energy-saving packs full of a variety of efficient home products for every room and need—all sent straight to your doorstep for FREE!


Register today – for this course, A Path to Peace:

VIRTUAL First session - Tues Mar 12, 6:30 pm ….supported by member group Echo Valley Hope. Join us for a virtual Introduction to TPRF'S Peace Education Program. Peace Education Is a free, ten week, interactive zoom class that helps individuals discover their inner strength. Subjects include: peace, appreciation, clarity, understanding, self awareness, choice, dignity, and contentment. Learn more:






Upcoming Events this week for WNPJ groups:


The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 83 member groups around Wisconsin. 


MADISON Mon Mar 4, 12 noon – 1 pm Monday Noon Vigil for Peace – Meet at the corner of MLK, Jr. Blvd and Doty St. For more information, call Tim at 608-630-3633.  

VIRTUAL Mon Mar 4, 6:30 pm "What’s On My Ballot – Spring 2024 Elections" Webinar. You can register in advance here. This webinar is cosponsored by the Wisconsin Council of Churches, Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice, WISDOM, the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee, MICAH, the Wisconsin Council of Rabbis, the Wisconsin Public Education Network, and the Wisconsin Interfaith Voter Campaign. On April 2, Wisconsinites will be voting for much more than the presidential primary. The election will also include: Two referenda to change the Wisconsin constitution in ways that will affect how our elections are run. Many Wisconsin School Districts will be voting on school funding referenda. We will be joined by our friends from the Wisconsin Public Education Network who will help us understand more of what's at stake there. And more!  Sent to WNPJ by David Liners 

MADISON and VIRTUAL Mon March 4, 7 – 8:15 pm EcoEanxiety, Climate Grief and Solastalgia – talk with Mirtha Pacheco, hosted by 350 Wisconsin Friends Meeting House (1704 Roberts Court) and zoom option. Mirtha Pacheco is the Outreach Program Coordinator with the Loka Initiative of the UW’s Center for Healthy Minds. The Initiative’s mission is to “support faith-led environmental and climate efforts locally and around the world by helping build capacity of faith leaders and culture keepers of Indigenous traditions, and by creating new opportunities for projects, partnerships and public outreach.” For more info and to register for login details, visit:


MADISON Tues Mar 5, 9 am – 3 pm WISDOM is celebrating International Women's Day with our partner, FREE. At the Wisconsin State Capitol (Gar Hall Room 413 N).  FREE focuses on the unique issues of women who have experienced incarceration. FREE works to end the shackling of incarcerated, pregnant women and girls and ensures dignity before, during and after childbirth through Wisconsin's first doula program. Join leaders to advocate for improved housing options, health care, birth experiences and dignity for incarcerated women and girls as well as women in reentry in honor of International Women's Day. There will be a continental breakfast and lunch provided as well as a t-shirt. Be sure you register in advance through this link  For questions, you can email Peggy West-Schroder at Sent to WNPJ by WISDOM  



MADISON Tues Mar 5, 5:30 – 7 pm Building Community and Collective Healing Shared  Threads: Stories that Weave Us Together - Chrysalis Inc, 1342 Dewey Court.  Promoting mental health and substance use recovery in our community by supporting work opportunities that encourage hope, healing, and wellness. We are so excited to be hosting our 2nd annual Storytelling Event. We are so grateful to have Araceli Esparza as our emcee for the evening. Araceli is a motivational speaker, podcast host, Chicana poeta, consultant and the founder of Midwest Mujeres Collective. We invite you to attend this FREE event. Click here to reserve your spot at Shared Threads! 

VIRTUAL Tues Mar 5, 7 pm  Online Teach-in on Media Activism: “Make War Visible…and End it” See spotlight above for zoom details.

MADISON Thurs Mar 7, 10 am – 4 pm  Wisconsin's Day of Empathy at the Wisconsin State Capitol.  Day of Empathy is the nation’s largest day of action for criminal justice reform, & this wouldn’t be possible without everyone’s collective effort in fighting for what’s right. It brings together people from all walks of life who have been negatively impacted by America’s criminal justice system – from survivors of violent crime to those who are currently incarcerated individuals to the loved ones on the outside who advocate for their freedom and systemic reforms, from children of incarcerated parents to people on mass supervision to all community members impacted by crime, public safety issues, and violence. Join us for a legislative day at the Wisconsin State Capitol to uplift your voice alongside justice impacted people, families, allies to discuss with legislators how supervision (probation, parole and extended supervision) should be changed to transform our state towards public safety and thriving communities for all people. There will be a panel, live Supervision Simulation and Educational Legislative Visits. Sign up through this link. Contact Peggy West-Schroder at or David Liners of WISDOM  

LaCROSSE Thurs Mar 7, 12 noon - 12:30 pm Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. A weekly vigil for peace every Thursday. Contact Deborah. 

VIRTUAL Thurs Mar 7, 12 noon – 1 pm WNPJ’s Weaving the Web Drop-In Hour. All welcome! Zoom info: . Meeting ID: 893 6131 3008 - Passcode: 797041; +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

DE PERE Thurs Mar 7, 6 – 8 pm End The Lockdowns Community Forum – at the St. Norbert  Mulva Library, 3rd St.  Join WISDOM for the Forum with JOSHUA-Green Bay and ESTHER-Fox Valley. Join us to meet Green Bay elected officials, learn about WISDOM’s End The Lockdowns Campaign and provide input on transformational justice priorities in Wisconsin. Confirmed panelists include Sara Williams, JOSHUA Community Organizer, Dant'e Cottingham, EXPO - EX-incarcerated People Organizing Interim Executive Director and Representative David Steffen (R-Assembly District 4). Register in advance:

MADISON Thurs Mar 7,  3 pm Watchdogs: The Role of Political Commentary in Our Democracy – talk with John Nichols, Madison College, Rm. A2025 – Truax Campus (1750 Wright St.) John Nichols is a national correspondent for The Nation and associate editor of the Capital Times. Part of the Writer's Life Lecture Series. Nichols is a prominent figure in political journalism, known for his insightful commentary and in-depth analysis of American politics. He has covered a wide range of political issues, from grassroots movements to presidential campaigns, with a keen focus on social justice and progressive values. More info? Visit:  Sent to WNPJ by Madison Infoshop 


VIRTUAL Thurs Mar 7, 6:30 – 7:30 pm WILPF Monthly Book Circle Conversation - The first Thursday of each month. The book tonight: American Prison; a Reporter's Undercover Journey into the business of Punishment - by Shane Bauer. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-Madison. For questions or more information on getting the zoom link, send a message 608-609-7961


MADISON and VIRTUAL Thurs Mar 7, 7 – 8:30 pm WI Faith Voices for Justice Interfaith Intersection event. 7118 Old Sauk Road. This program brings people together to hold intentional conversations on a variety of topics related to faith. An important aspect of this program is that our panelists are lay people, not clergy or academics. Therefore, panelists will address the topics speaking from their own understanding of their faith but not speaking for their faith. Please volunteer if you're interested in being a panelist. Please join us: (all events are Thursday nights, 7:00 to 8:30 in person and on Zoom)

·         March 7 – Sin; at Madison Christian Community, 7118 Old Sauk Road, Madison

·         April 11 - fasting/self-denial; location TBD

·         May 9 - forgiveness - person to person; person to God; at the Bahai Center, 324 W Lakeside St, Madison

·         Sept. 12 - what is your faith’s "high holy day" - location TBD

·         Oct. 17 - cycle of times/seasons in different traditions; location TBD

·         Nov. 14 - giving thanksSugar River United Methodist Church, 415 W Verona Ave, Verona


VIRTUAL Sat Mar 9, 10 – 11:45 am  Annual Meeting of WI Transit Riders Alliance. In the first hour of the zoom call, we will hear about the special jobs-oriented FlexRide Milwaukee project from Dave Steele, Executive Director of MobiliSE. There will be time for questions and discussion after the presentation. Our annual business meeting of the WI Transit Riders will begin at 11:00 a.m. We’ll be updating our bylaws and Strategic Plan, hearing reports of our current situation and generally launching ourselves into another year.  Register at  Contact: Susan DeVos 

VIROQUA Sat Mar 9, 11 am - 12 noon Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Action Alert: The Driftless Palestinian Solidarity group has a petition to demand that Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and end financial aid to Israel's military.  If your group is interested in getting signatures, please email Thank you for your help! 

RACINE Sat Mar 9, 12:30 – 1:30 pm Weekly Stand for Peace. 909 Dr Martin Luther King Dr. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. We have signs, banners and flags available for all. Check out our website,    for weather concerns. Free Palestine!

MILWAUKEE Sat Mar 9, 12 noon – 1 pm Weekly Stand for Peace with Peace Action WI. St. Paul and Water.  Each week a different venue. Bring signs. Contact: 

MADISON and VIRTUAL Sun Mar 10, 7 – 8 pm  Casa Alitas Presentation - Beth Israel Center, 1406 Mound St. Please join Beth Israel Center and the Dane Sanctuary Coalition  for a presentation from members of Beth Israel Center on their recent volunteer trips to Casa Alitas in Tucson. Throughout October, groups of volunteers from Beth Israel Center journeyed to Tucson to volunteer at Casa Alitas, a migrant welcome center. As the crisis at our border increases, the needs for help at Casa Alitas and similar migrant centers will only increase. Join us and hear about the volunteers’ experiences and how the trip came together. The event will be in Madison and also on Zoom. Please RSVP by March 8 using this google form: Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice -  Dane Sanctuary Coalition Steering Committee.



Join WNPJ!WNPJ welcomes individual members and groups!

For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!

For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!

We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our listserve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.



Here's an opportunity for WNPJ member groups!

WNPJ member groups can sign up for a Saturday opportunity to TABLE at the Dane County Farmers Market – this Spring and summer at the Capitol Square. The Farmers Market opening date is April 13th – 7 am to 1 pm …and runs through Nov. 9th on Saturdays.

Bring your own table and hand-outs to the King Street corner of the Square, site #10, next to the VFP #25 table! You can't sell anything at the non-profit table, but donations to your group are acceptable.

Questions? Contact


If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US!


Join WNPJ – 


Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available!

See our new Facebook page: 

"Like" us and follow us!

Questions? Contact




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