There are many groups around Wisconsin and beyond that are holding webinars and meetings in preparation for January and any new policies related to immigration and deportation.
WNPJ will post these upcoming events here and give readers contact information on how to get involved.

WNPJ is distributing Immigrants Welcome BUTTONS to member groups across the state. Let us know if you're interested - and how many to send you! Board member John Peck is our contact for this project! peckjohne@gmail.com
If you know of other groups organizing around immigration, have them send their events and announcements to info@wnpj.org.

Voces de la Frontera event!
Day Without Immigrants and Workers March!
Come together in a powerful demonstration of our collective strength in Milwaukee and Madison! Stop scapegoating immigrant workers and separating families! Defend Medicaid, food assistance, and public education! Stand up for sanctuary! Immigration reform with a path to citizenship now!
May 1st, 9:30am - 737 W Mitchell St, Milwaukee, WI
March to the Federal Courthouse
May 2nd, 3pm - Brittingham Park, 829 W Washington Ave, Madison WI
March to the Capital
For more info go to vdlf.org

Events, NEWS....and action alert!
WISDOM's Know Your Rights Webinar📷 April 8 | 6:30 PM CT | 📷 Zoom Forward Latino and WISDOM are hosting a FREE informative session for families at risk of separation due to immigration issues. Immigration attorney Cain Oulahan will discuss a to-do list for at-risk families and review the rights of all immigrants in the U.S. 📷 Register here
A valuable resource from WISDOM:
KYR Free Cards for registered nonprofits:
Know Your Rights Webinar April 8 | 6:30 PM CT | ZoomForward Latino and WISDOM are hosting a FREE informative session for families at risk of separation due to immigration issues. Immigration attorney Cain Oulahan will discuss a to-do list for at-risk families and review the rights of all immigrants in the U.S. Register here
Wisdom Wisconsin has joined a lawsuit...
On Tuesday, the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) at Georgetown Law filed a lawsuit on behalf of over two dozen Christian and Jewish religious denominations and associations in response to the Trump Administration’s rescission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “sensitive locations” policy that had restricted Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from conducting immigration raids, arrests, and other enforcement actions at houses of worship. The new policy thus greenlights enforcement actions that could interrupt religious services in furtherance of the Administration’s mass deportation plans. The case, Mennonite Church USA et al. v. United States Department of Homeland Security et al., was filed in federal district court in Washington, DC.
WISDOM is proud to join a multifaith coalition and the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) in opposition to the rescission of ICE’s sensitive locations policy, which is a direct violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This decision directly interferes with our ability to fulfill our religious mandate and serve all of our congregants equally and with the dignity they deserve. We don’t take this step lightly, but this extreme action from the federal government challenges a foundation of our faith and threatens to shatter our consecrated spaces. Our faith compels us to take a stand and protect our places of worship.
“Plaintiffs represent millions of Americans across dozens of denominations rooted in the Jewish and Christian faiths,” said Kelsi Corkran, lead counsel for Plaintiffs and ICAP Supreme Court Director. “They have come together to file this suit because their scripture, teaching, and traditions offer irrefutable unanimity on their religious obligation to embrace and serve the refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants in their midst without regard to documentation or legal status. The Department of Homeland Security's abrupt decision to rescind the sensitive locations policy and subject places of worship to immigration enforcement action is a clear violation of Plaintiffs' rights under the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. We look forward to presenting our case in court.”
By subjecting their places of worship to ICE enforcement actions without judicial warrant or exigent circumstances, the plaintiffs assert that the government is interfering with their religious activities and their ability to fulfill their religious mandate to welcome and serve immigrants.
"Houses of worship have always been a safe place for people, no matter who they are. Any attempt by the government to create an atmosphere of mistrust or fear works directly against the mission of faith communities. As WISDOM, we intend to stand against this action by the government and will fight to restore beloved community.” - Rev. Kathleen
Gloff, WISDOM, Inc.
If you would like to get involved and support these efforts, sign this petition which will be sent to the White House, DHS, and every member of Congress. It's already been signed by over 1,000 people this week.
The mission of the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection is to use strategic
legal advocacy to defend constitutional rights and values while working to restore confidence in the integrity of governmental institutions. Connect with ICAP at www.law.georgetown.edu/icap/, reachICAP@georgetown.edu.
For media inquiries, please contact Jim Simpson, Georgetown Center for Faith & Justice: cfjmedia@georgetown.edu.
Sent to WNPJ by admin@wisdomwisconsin.org
Recent WISDOM Immigration stories:
WDRT 91.9 FM Driftless Community Radio - Community Conversation w/Amanda Ali
27 religious groups sue Trump administration over immigration enforcement policy
Trump won’t block immigration arrests in houses of worship. Now these 27 religious groups are suing
Faith-based groups challenge Trump orders in two court cases

VOCES Know Your Rights trainings - statewide:
Voces de la Frontera: Know Your Rights Trainings
Did you know that ICE has the legal authority to lie and use deception? When you Know Your Rights, you’ll be able to understand when ICE is lying, and better defend yourself and your family!
Attend a regional Know Your Rights Training and walk away with a plan for the worst case scenarios, in addition to being empowered with understanding what constitutional rights that everyone has, regardless of their citizenship status. Everyone has rights! Trainings will also have informational packets that you can take home (or visit our website for downloadable materials here).
*If you’re interested in leading a Know Your Rights training, please reach out to our office at 414-643-1620. We are starting to offer Spanish language certification courses that can be completed in half a day. You’ll receive access to training materials like powerpoints and more.
Contact vdlf@vdlfa.org for more information
Thurs Mar 27, 9 am Virtual Know Your Rights Training.
Join the Wisconsin Council of Churches and Voces de la Frontera for a Know Your Rights Training in English. Led by Ruby De Leon and Voces de la Frontera staff. This training will be recorded. Ruby De Leon is an immigration attorney at Voces de la Frontera. Ruby has a passion for helping underserved communities and provides pro bono legal advice at the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinic each month at their only Spanish-serving location at the United Community Center. Ruby is also active within the legal community and is on the board for the Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association. We will also host a Spanish version of this training on March 24 at 6:00pm. Contact the Wisconsin Council of Churches for Registration information. To register go to https://www.wichurches.org/events/kyrenglish

Check out this video from the Weaving the Web Conversation Jan. 2nd about Immigration, with WISDOM's Amanda Ali, hosted by Erika Bach! Lots of resources here! https://youtu.be/y4rqqNUpofA

There is a new series of articles coming about immigrant workers in WI with the Wisconsin Examiner!! Check out this article from 1/10/25 on immigrant workers in WI:...and watch for more in this series!
‘How in the hell will we continue to be the Dairy State?’
Nowhere would mass deportation have a bigger impact than on Wisconsin’s dairy farms, where an estimated 70% of the workforce is made up of immigrants, mostly from Mexico and Central America. Because Congress has never created a year-round visa for low-skilled farm workers, almost all of Wisconsin’s immigrant dairy workers are undocumented. Without them, experts say, the whole industry would collapse.
At a Jan. 3 press conference in the Capitol, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers called the threat of mass deportation “illogical,” and said “we will do everything in our power to prevent it.”
“The bottom line is, in Wisconsin, 70% of our farms … 70% of the people may be part of the federal government’s idea to move them elsewhere, out of our country,” Evers said. “Think about that. How in the hell will we continue to be the Dairy State with no one to milk the cows and do the other important work?”
Read this timely article published Jan 21 in the Wisconsin Examiner "Immigrant rights advocates prepare for Wisconsin law enforcement collaboration on deportation"
News from Madison....Jan 31, 2025
Sheriff Ends Program That Flags Immigrants In Custody - Madison |
Mississippi communities scarred by ICE raids fear future under Trump
Story on National Public Radio - 12/10/24
Don't miss this 7 minute story on NPR this morning

On Friday night, people queue up at Maria's Mercado to cash paychecks, transfer money, and order a hot meal. Photo credit to Andrea Morales for NPR

May Day: Stand in solidarity with Voces de la Frontera
Voces de la Frontera Madison Organizer stephaniejsa123@gmail.com
"As you know, the Immigration Enforcement Response Team (IERT), which includes representatives from diverse sectors knowledgeable about the issues, has been meeting to build our capacity to respond to the needs of our immigrant community at this time.
Collectively we have created a Community Resources page on the Centro website: https://www.micentro.org/community-resources
You'll find a number of different resources here and the page will continue to be updated as things evolve and develop with the current administration.
We are currently printing cards/tarjetitas with a QR code (the QR code is also included in the Know Your Rights video on the resource page) to be distributed far and wide within the community. This QR code will connect community members directly with the resource page on Centro's website. Our goal is to do this distribution of cards through a mass engagement effort, similar to Get Out the Vote. We will bring tarjetitas to LaSup to distribute.
Please also stay connected with Centro and Voces de la Frontera on social media for announcements:
Centro Dane County: Website, Facebook and Instagram
Voces de la Frontera: Website, Facebook, X, and Instagram
And as always for any urgent issue or immediate immigration concern you can reach out to our Dane County Immigration Affairs Office: https://www.danecountyhumanservices.org/Children-Youth-and-Family/Immigration-Affairs
If you suspect ICE in our community, please call the Voces statewide hotline (414-465-8078). Any presence of ICE will be verified and any announcement if warranted will be made through Centro/Voces social media handles.
We are in this together, and together we will take care of each other - Karen
Karen Menéndez Coller, PhD
Executive Director, Centro"

Dane Sanctuary Coalition
danesanctuary@gmail.com; Leila Pine sabinosanctuary@gmail.com
Join us for a coalition-wide meeting!
Thursday, April 3rd
at 5:30 P.M.
via ZOOM
Contact: for the zoom link and more information
1 608-513-7121
The Dane Sanctuary Coalition, working in partnership with Voces de la Frontera and Centro Hispano, is part of the New Sanctuary Movement which includes over 1100 sanctuary congregations across the nation protecting undocumented immigrant families. This chapter works with WI Faith Vices for Justice, member group of WNPJ.
We are fortunate in Dane County to have a coalition of organizations committed to protecting our residents. For obvious reasons, there is widespread fear and confusion surrounding potential changes to federal immigration policy and enforcement. Locally, there has been an outpouring of support to organizations that work with our friends and neighbors in the immigrant community. It’s heartening so many are asking what they can do to help. At this moment in time, what we need most from allies is to stay connected.
We are encouraging folks to follow Centro Dane County and Voces de la Frontera on social media (see links below). Any call to action where we need the community to respond will be centralized through these channels. Your willingness to meaningfully contribute is deeply appreciated. Please stay safe, informed, and connected as we move forward together as a united community.
In response to the recent election results, the Dane Sanctuary Coalition has initiated discussions on how we can best collaborate with local organizations and congregations to protect the rights of our immigrant brothers and sisters.
We are thankful to the leadership of The Dane County Immigration Affairs office, Centro, and Voces de la Frontera. For more detailed information on the the preparation working currently happening, please follow the Facebook pages of Dane Sanctuary Coalition, Centro, and Voices de la Frontera
Currently, 5 congregations are preparing to offer physical sanctuary while 25 additional congregations and organizations are offering to provide a supportive role.
If your congregation or organization is interested in more information regarding becoming a sanctuary congregation or a supporting congregation/organization please reach out at danesanctuary@gmail.com.
VOLUNTEER DRIVERS needed from Madison....
Immigrants pursuing citizenship are required to attend court appointments in Milwaukee and Chicago. However, transportation can be a significant barrier to ensuring they make these important appointments.
We invite you to contact us at matt@wifaithvoices.org if you would like more information or are interested in supporting this effort.
Last year, our volunteer drivers provided 115 rides; however, there were 21 requests that could not be fulfilled due to a lack of available drivers. Your involvement can make a meaningful difference in overcoming this challenge.

PLUS, here's an invitation to participate in the WAGE THEFT Campaign:
Join workers and members as we go door knocking and present wage theft trainings throughout the community of Madison. Email socorro@workerjustice.org or call 608-572-0715 to get involved.
For more information, contact robert@workerjustice.org.
Family Farm Defenders

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS sheet and cards from FFD!
See this attached pdf Fact sheet to learn more!
John Peck sent this information to WNPJ from a group called Mijente. Learn more below...
When Trump takes office in January 2025, his administration will immediately begin enacting the campaign pledges – especially those he and his followers have made on immigration. While there are many theories, we don’t know the exact forms and sequence, which has added to fears and uncertainties in many of our families and neighborhoods. But here’s what we do know: Over the last several years of experienced raids, border militarization, anti-immigrant legislation and many deportations, we’ve held up steady, powerful, and heartfelt fights against them. During this time, we’ve learned more than a few things about deportations and protecting our communities.Deportation defense has been a critical way of fighting back and learning how to slow the deportation machine down. It also is a very clear and direct way to be in solidarity with immigrant communities. That’s why we’re hosting the Deportation Defense Series: Skill Up + Crew Up, a 3-part virtual series on deportation defense on December 10th, 13th, and 16th. Register here. |
Over the next weeks and months we’ll be offering in person and virtual trainings and support to folks who are picking this up for the first time or want to expand on existing practice. This first round will be in three sessions over Zoom and you will learn from organizers and advocates who have done this work both at the local and federal level. We’ll be sharing more information on the specific topics we’ll cover over the next couple weeks, as well as opportunities for upcoming in person trainings. The news cycle can feel overwhelming with so many plans and people looking to implement many of the policies noted in documents such as Project 2025. We know that it’s going to be a long haul fight, with victories and disappointments in between. Mijente is committing to taking it day by day, one step at a time, and we hope you’ll join us. Right now, expanding our skills, coming together in community and staying connected are important next steps.Nos vemos, Marisa Franco National Director, Mijente hola@mijente.net |
Click here to learn more about A Working-Class History of Fighting Deportations.....
A farmer in New York just sent this history article to John Peck of Family Farm Defenders:

The current fight within the Republican Party highlights, once again, that ensuring a steady labor supply for corporations remains Trump’s primary focus. I say “once again” because this mirrors what happened in 2017, when he met with corporate growers to assure them that his immigration enforcement would not deprive them of workers in the fields. In fact, that is just what happened with the expansion of the H-2A guest worker visa program and the absence of mass firings of farmworkers at critical times because of their undocumented status.

Photo credit: SAN FRANCISCO, CA – 24MARCH17 – San Francisco janitors and other workers supporting AB 450, a bill introduced by Assembly Member David Chiu, to protect workers during immigration raids and enforcement actions. Copyright David Bacon
The current fight within the Republican Party highlights, once again, that ensuring a steady labor supply for corporations remains Trump’s primary focus. I say “once again” because this mirrors what happened in 2017, when he met with corporate growers to assure them that his immigration enforcement would not deprive them of workers in the fields. In fact, that is just what happened with the expansion of the H-2A guest worker visa program and the absence of mass firings of farmworkers at critical times because of their undocumented status.

Madison Friends Meeting Minute on the Quaker Lawsuit Against the Department of Homeland Security
Updated onFebruary 8, 2025
Madison Monthly Meeting joins in spirit with the several Quaker Meetings who have brought suit against the Department of Homeland Security’s decision to rescind the long-standing practice of not invading houses of worship to apprehend undocumented immigrants. Like our fellow Quakers, we remain committed to religious liberty and peace and support their use of the legal process to ensure that participants in all faith communities are safe and secure from intimidation, threats, and violence.
While the lawsuit focuses on houses of worship, we also express opposition to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers entering schools and hospitals. The threat of these actions will keep children from pursuing their education and those who are ill from receiving needed care. While these are immediate threats to those individuals, our community is all the poorer in the long run if everyone is not well educated and healthy.
Finally, we reject the falsehoods underlying these actions that immigrants, whether here legally or undocumented, are a threat to us as individuals or as a society. Immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, are less likely to be incarcerated in prisons, convicted of crimes, or arrested than native-born Americans. Immigrants, as has always been the case, bring a cultural diversity that enriches our communities. And they also contribute economically: for example, undocumented immigrant workers perform an estimated 70% of the labor on Wisconsin dairy farms.
We resonate with what our Quaker Washington lobby, Friends Committee on National Legislation, reminds us: Love Thy Neighbor: No Exceptions.
Approved: February 2, 2025
Information Sheet
Less likely to be incarcerated….15 Myths About Immigration Debunked
Perform 70% of labor…https://schoolforworkers.wisc.edu/trapped-on-wisconsin-farms-the-hidden-plight-of-trafficked-workers/
Information About the Lawsuit
Quakers Sue DHS over Immigration Enforcement and Religious Freedom
Interview with Noah Merrill, New England Yearly Meeting General Secretary, explaining why Quaker groups are suing the administration: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/why-quaker-groups-suing-trump-administration-ice-arrests/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1 or https://cbsn.ws/40OIOCb.
More Resources
The Northern Yearly Meeting Statement on the lawsuit includes information on possible actions that individuals and Meetings might take, how to financially support the lawsuit, and links to additional resources.
And other houses of worship are joining into this lawsuit!

Check out additional resources from this site: Friends Committee on National Legislation
Immigration: Know Your Rights and Deportation Defense
Partner resources so you can know your rights as an immigrant and defend your community against mass deportation threats.
Sent to WNPJ by our member grou Madison Friends Meeting

Veterans Oppose Mass Deportation and Domestic Military Deployments
Veterans For Peace strongly objects to the Trump Administration’s racist campaign of mass deportation of undocumented workers, who are our friends, neighbors and even our fellow veterans. We condemn the violent raids that are sowing fear and terror in communities across the United States. As veterans, we are particularly opposed to the misuse and abuse of U.S. military personnel, including their illegal deployment to the U.S. border with Mexico.
Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, about 1,000 U.S. Army personnel and 500 Marines have been sent to the border, in addition to 2,500 National Guard members already there. Helicopter units are being sent along with U.S. Air Force C-17 and C- 130 aircraft; and Stars and Stripes reports that 20-ton Stryker armored combat vehicles may also be shipped. The number of U.S. military personnel on the U.S.-Mexico border may rise to as many as 10,000, according to the Defense One newsletter.
The use of active-duty military personnel for domestic policing operations is strictly forbidden by the Posse Comitatus Act, and legal challenges are being mounted. President Trump says he may invoke the Insurrection Act, which effectively overrides Posse Comitatus by allowing the Executive to declare a national emergency requiring the domestic deployment of US troops. But using the Insurrection Act to override the protections of the Posse Comitatus Act and deploy U.S. troops within the United States to investigate, detain, and remove illegal immigrants would be an unprecedented use of presidential power and misuse of the military, according to a recent report by the New York Bar.
What we have here is a U.S. president who is willing to engage thousands of U.S. military personnel in what appears – among other atrocities – to be a profit-making scheme based on a contrived border crisis. According to Customs and Border Protection data, monthly migrant apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border between December 2023 and December 2024 were reduced dramatically from 249,740 to 47,326 apprehensions. Nevertheless, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials reportedly want to build four new detention centers with 10,000 beds each, along with 14 smaller facilities that each contain around 1,000 beds each. According to the American Immigration Counsel, “That would likely mean tens of billions in taxpayer funds sent to private prison companies,” at least one of whom, CoreCivic, donated $500,000 to the Trump-Vance inaugural committee.
Trump is also calling for 30,000 immigrants to be detained at the notorious US gulag at Guantanamo Bay, where U.S. laws and protections do not exist. This would also be another slap in the face of Cuba’s sovereignty over its own territory.
Tragically, this bogus campaign is terrifying, and profoundly disrupting the lives of millions of peaceful, extremely hard-working, tax-paying members of U.S. society. Even as the US government is complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinians from Gaza, it is now “cleansing” the US of immigrants, many of whom are indigenous to North America. According to a recent report by Human Rights Watch, the “border deterrence” policy – now being carried out with soldiers and Marines – causes the death of more than 2,500 migrants per year, as they are intentionally forced onto the most perilous routes.
These abuses of U.S. law and human rights put US military personnel in a very difficult position. What can active-duty military and National Guard members do when they do not want to be used in an illegal and immoral campaign against their neighbors, or even their own families?
Veterans to GI’s: We Will Support You When You Refuse Illegal or Immoral Orders
Just because the president says so does not make it legal. You swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. You have the legal right and obligation to do so. Veterans For Peace supports U.S. military personnel who choose not to participate in the U.S.-Mexico border deployment, or in sending weapons to Gaza, or in other questionable military activities around the globe. We will put you in touch with trained counselors and lawyers who can advise you of your legal rights.
You can start by calling the GI Rights Hotline at 1-877-447-4487. You can legally contact your Congressional representatives to tell them your concerns by utilizing the Appeal for Redress. And be sure to check out the recently updated Know Your Rights guide from the Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild.
As veterans of illegal, immoral US wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and too many other places, we understand that you are in a tough place. But you do have options – you are still the boss of your own life. When you follow your conscience and stand up for what is right, you will have the support of Veterans For Peace.
Veterans For Peace
Milwaukee Chapter 102
Here is WNPJ's STATEMENT, post-election:
STATEMENT post-election from the WNPJ Board:
The Board of WNPJ stands in solidarity with all of our member organizations and those who represent any and all marginalized people in our communities.
We will not be intimidated, nor will we shy away from hard conversations that need to happen in order for us to move forward collectively.
We stand with our friends and allies: Black, Latino, Indigenous, Muslim, Palestinian, Asian, Jewish, LGBTQ+ and others; and we will not be silent as our challenges become augmented in these difficult times.
We will work with you to amplify our voices for a peaceful and sustainable world, and continue to work toward Environmental Justice. We can no longer cut the branch we are sitting on. The earth is our home and we are one family, the human family.
Let us carry on in the spirit of love and solidarity for all that we know that is Good and Just.
With you, and by working together, we can keep hope alive for a better day ahead!
WNPJ Board of Directors
Nov 23, 2024
