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SAVE the DATE! WNPJ’s 33rd Annual Fall Assembly


Sat. October 19th @ 10:00am-1:00pm in Madison and virtual options

“Mobilize: Creating a Collective Shift from Militarism to a Culture of Peace and Environmental Justice”

Please join the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice as we explore the connection to the cost of war on people and the environment and how we unite to build a culture of peace. Includes presentations by the winners of this year’s Peacemaker Award!

In person at the Madison Friends Meeting House, 1704 Roberts Ct.

Satellite watch parties are an option - for this virtual hybrid event, too throughout Wisconsin. Contact if your community would like to set up a satellite event. For more details as they emerge, visit:

Would you be interested in being part of the 2024-2025 WNPJ Board? If so, let the nominating committee know!

Our virtual WNPJ Board meeting August 26th, with guests from Faith in Place



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