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PSR's Action Alert for Madison - to bring us 'Back from the Brink'


Good News!!!

Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and Dave Schmiedicke, the City Finance Director, have approved a nuclear weapons free investment and contracts policy!! Alder Figueroa-Cole helped push it through. Alder Cole plans to introduce the investment/contracts policy to the City Council in late September or October. It will be referred to the City Finance Committee for review, then return to the entire City Council for a vote (along with the 5 Back from the Brink recommendations).

Alder Outreach - one more time

Some of you have recently communicated with your Alders. But if it has been more than a year since you contacted your Alder, could you please do it once more?

Remind her/him that the Resolution will soon be coming to a vote. Keep it simple; ask them to support the Back from the Brink Resolution and try to find out if they will vote for it. I would be more than happy to followup with those who have questions/concerns.

Major Points

- Nuclear disarmament is essential for the survival of humans and other complex life on the planet.

- This local Back from the Brink effort is part of a local, grassroots campaign to increase nuclear security on a global scale. It embraces the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and recommends 5 steps the US can take to decrease the chance of a nuclear war.

- This Resolution commits Madison to nuclear weapon free contracts and investments, a major step in withdrawing support from the nuclear weapons industry.

Alder Contact Info

Please phone, email or write your Alder. Personal contact is even better. Find contact info at:

See the attached documents:

- Background info

- Sample letter to your Alder.

- Proposed Resolution - parts I (BftB) and II (Contracts/Investments)

Thank you all for the time and energy you have devoted to getting the Madison Back from the Brink Resolution to the finish line.

Paula Rogge, on behalf of PSR WI Board


720 Hill St. Ste. 200, Madison, WI 53705



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