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Peace and Justice Events in Wisconsin starting July 23rd - into August!


Updated: Aug 3, 2023

The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization supporting the work of 78 member groups around Wisconsin.

Here are Spotlights and Events listings for many of our member groups for the week of July 23rd into early August...

******************************** SPOTLIGHT!

Echo Valley Hope, a Wisconsin based nonprofit advancing sustainability and peace, has teamed with “The Peace Education Program” to offer the program to organizations and individuals throughout Wisconsin.

If you would like to learn more, we are offering ninety minute sample workshops via zoom for you to get a first hand look at how the course is run. The Peace Education Program can be made available to your faith organization, school, community group, etc.

To sign up for one of two upcoming Peace Education Introductory Zoom meetings, please register in advance.

After registering, a confirmation email will be sent to you. We will also host the free ten-week zoom course beginning in September. Contact Dena Eakles to learn more 608-606-4450, ***********************************


Lanterns for Peace events in August in Madison and Milwaukee

MADISON Sun Aug 6th 6:30 - 8:45 pm Lanterns for Peace. Tenney Park, North Thornton Avenue. Mark your calendars! Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin will be hosting our annual Lanterns for Peace event. Join us for this family friendly event to commemorate the lives lost in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings 77 years ago and make sure that such nuclear attacks never again take place. We remember the past, so that we can envision and work for a peaceful, just and nuclear-free future.

After creating lanterns, there will be a program at 7:30 pm and then a launch of lanterns at dusk (7:45 pm) You are welcome to mail in your lantern if you cannot be in attendance. Please wear a mask if you are unvaccinated and maintain social distancing. More info? . Facebook: MILWAUKEE Sun Aug 6th 6 - 9 pm Lanterns for Peace. At the Peace Action WI office at 2139 E Kenwood Blvd. Annual commemoration of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 6 PM - Japanese Lantern-making, folding origami peace cranes, story-telling of “Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes.” 7 PM - Music by Frogwater, with John and Susan Nicholson playing traditional Celtic music, Delta blues and original material. 7:30 PM - Commemorative Program Reflections on the Atomic Bombings from Hibakusha, survivors of Hiroshima & Nagaski. Presented by Julie Enslow, co-founder of Peace Action Wisconsin. A Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg, whistleblower, anti-nuclear activist, author of “The Doomsday Machine, Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner,” by Pam Richards, Peace Action Wisconsin. Music by Glenn Asch (of the Milwaukee Symphony) and Laurie Asch. The Story of The Golden Rule, the peace sailboat that helped bring about an end to atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, that will be in Milwaukee Sept. 1 to Sept. 4. Presented by Mark Foreman, Milwaukee Veterans for Peace.

MILWAUKEE Wed, Aug 9th, 8 pm Nagasaki Day Commemoration. Meet at the Lincoln Park Canoe Launch (Picnic Area 3) for a Ceremony and floating of Traditional Japanese Lanterns on the Milwaukee River. Peace Action of WI

Sponsored by Peace Action WI, 414-269-9525. Co-sponsored by Milwaukee End the Wars Coalition and the United Nations Association of Milwaukee. Special Thanks to Annette J. Roberts and Joan R. Robertson Fund for World Peace, World Law and Peace Education. Abolish Nuclear Weapons! U S join the U N Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons! For more information:


*Peace Action WI notified WNPJ of the passing of our friend and colleague in peace George Paz Martin – July 16th 2023. A memorial service is being planned in Milwaukee Aug. 5th. George received the WNPJ Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006!

Saturday, August 5, 1 pm (central time)

Zao Milwaukee Church (where Peace Action Wisconsin has its new office!)

2319 E. Kenwood Blvd. (across from UWM Student Union )

Milwaukee, WI 53211 His spirit, his legacy, his “Hello, Family,” we will keep close to our collective heart. Tears and salutations and gratitude, George Martin! Presente!

***************************** Upcoming Events this week for WNPJ groups: VIRTUAL Mon Jul 24th, 7 - 8 pm - 350 Wisconsin is hosting a virtual training on Divestment! Do you bank with Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, or Citibank? Or do you have close friends or family who do so? These four banks loan billions to the fossil fuel industry. If we bank with them, our money is being used to fund climate chaos. But as customers, we can do something about it. We will teach bank customers how to advocate for climate justice. We’re inviting bank customers — and friends and family of bank customers — to come to this training to learn how to meet with local branch managers to send a message up to the bank CEOs who are funding climate chaos. VIA ZOOM: Register in advance for the meeting here:

VIRTUAL Tues Jul 25th, 11 am No Way to Treat a Child campaign webinar. Please join the monthly webinar from AFSC and Defense for Children International - Palestine on advocacy for Palestinian rights. This webinar will feature lessons learned from Palestinian rights advocates who engage with elected officials in local communities and on Capitol Hill. The webinar is timed before the August recess when members of Congress return to their home districts. Information and Registration here: Sent to WNPJ by Madison-Rafah Sister-City Proj

OUTSIDE THE GATES OF VOLK FIELD, Tues Jul 25th, 3:45 - 4:45 pm VIGIL AGAINST the DRONES. Arrive at the wayside around 3:30 so we have time for introductions and to process to the base together. The vigil at Volk Field is a legal vigil where we will be on public property. As always, it will be a solemn vigil, remembering the victims of US government drone attacks. DIRECTIONS - To get to the vigil, take the Camp Douglas exit off Interstate 90/94 between Mauston and Tomah. When you exit take County Rd. C to the northeast. You will see the base straight ahead, but follow County Rd. C to the right and within a few blocks is a picnic wayside where you can park. Bring posters if you can. CARPOOLING - If you are interested in carpooling to Volk Field from Madison, please contact Bonnie at 608-256-5088. If you have any questions please call or email Joy at 608 239-4327 or or Bonnie at 608-256-5088 or

MILWAUKEE Tues Jul 25th, 6-7 pm "Healthcare for All, in Cuba & the US" -- potluck, film & discussion – Milwaukee Public Library, Mitchell Street Branch, 906 W Historic Mitchell St. This program will include first hand info on Cuba's offer of free medical school; A short film and discussion with a current U.S. medical student there will follow a free potluck dinner. FB event: . For More Information Contact: Art Heitzer, VIRTUAL - Peace Education Introductory Zoom Meetings: Tuesday Jul 25th, 6:30 PM - Register here. OR… Thursday Jul 27th, 6:30 PM - Register here. After registering, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Contact Dena Eakles to learn more 608-606-4450,

SINSINAWA Wed Jul 26th, 4 - 7 pm Sinsinawa Mound Market, County Road Z. Join us a for our third market of the season.The vendors at the market will include Collaborative Farmers, Sandhill Farm, D ropseed Farm, City Girl Farming, The Mound’s Farm, Sinsinawa Bakery, Sinsinawa Book & Gift Gallery, plus more! Contact Arrangements at 608-748-4411 or visit our website at for more information. Sinsinawa Mound, the motherhouse for the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, is located in southwest Wisconsin on County Road Z, off Highway 11, about five miles northeast of Dubuque. MADISON Fri Jul 28th, 5 - 7 pm Mutual Aid first monthly Action Jam Potluck and Party. At the Social Justice Center, Williamson Street. Bonus points for cooking up what you got at the garden swap and sharing the food or recipe with the rest of us! Contact: Stephanie Rearick.

MILWAUKEE Sat Jul 29th, 12 noon - 1 pm Peace Action WI Weekly Stand for Peace. Meet at 92nd and North. Each week, a different vigil site in Milwaukee. Bring your signs for peace! Questions? Contact Peace Action WI - or see

MADISON Sat Jul 29th, 12 noon - 5 pm Disability Pride Festival! Warner Park, 2930 North Sherman Avenue. Music, dancing, adaptive athletics, exhibitors and talks about the lives of people with disabilities, planned by disabled people. More info? Visit the Facebook event: . Sent to WNPJ by Madison Infoshop

VIRTUAL Thurs Aug 3, 12 noon - 1 pm Weaving the Web - WNPJ monthly virtual drop-in Hour. First Thursday of each month. All are welcome to drop in the first Thursday of each month - agenda, just people who care about peace and justice showing up to connect. Contact with questions. Zoom Meeting Information: Meeting ID: 893 6131 3008 Passcode: 797041 +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

VIRTUAL Thurs Aug 3rd, 6 - 8 pm WILPF Monthly Virtual Book Club We'll talk about... "The Nutmeg’s Curse". First Thursday of each month. To get the zoom link, reply to: . Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. - 608-609-7961 SINSINAWA Thurs/Fri Aug 3 - 4. 'No Child Left Inside' *2 day-camp* at Sinsinawa Mound Center, County Road Z. This summer camp designed to connect children with the living world and cultivate a sense of deep respect and wonder for one another and the Earth. On August 3 and 4, participants should be ready to learn about themselves and nature, get some exercise and have lots of fun! This camp is open to children from the ages of 7 to 11, and space is limited to 10 children. Please bring your own lunch and snack. We will spend the entirety of both days outdoors. Please register by July 27, and the fee is $60 per child. Contact Arrangements at 608-748-4411 or visit our website at for more information. Sinsinawa Mound, the motherhouse for the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, is located in southwest Wisconsin on County Road Z, off Highway 11, about five miles northeast of Dubuque.

APPLETON Sat Aug 5th, 11 am to noon. Fox Valley Monthly Stand for Peace. Meet at Houdini Plaza, West Lawrence Street. Every month - the first Saturday! Bring your signs! Organizer: Ronna Swift

MILWAUKEE Sat Aug 5th, 12 noon - 1 pm Peace Action WI Weekly Stand for Peace. Meet at Port Washington and Silver Spring. Each week, a different vigil site in Milwaukee. Bring your signs for peace! Questions? Contact Peace Action WI - or see

SOLDIER'S GROVE - Sat Aug 5th, 6 pm to midnight. Crawford Stewardship Project Walk - "Love the Land" - Meet at Soldiers Grove Park. Join CSP and our supporters for a celebration surrounding our beautiful natural resources! WI Farmers Union will be supplying brats and burgers, Udder Brothers will be dishing out ice cream, and local bands will be jamming all night with plenty of space to show off your dance moves! Contact:

August 6th - Sunday - Lanterns for Peace in Milwuakee and Madison - see Spotlights above!

SINSINAWA Tues Aug 8th, 7 - 8:15 pm Native Book Discussion: Susan Power, The Grass Dancer: A Novel - Sinsinawa Mound Center, County Road Z. Eric Anglada will be leading the discussion. Inspired by the lore of her Indigenous heritage, Susan Power has forged a novel of interconnected stories rich with drama and infused with the magic of the everyday. “The Grass Dancer” reveals the harsh price of unfulfilled longings and the healing power of mystery and hope. In this thrilling book, Power takes readers on a journey through both past and present in a tale as resonant and haunting as an ancestor’s memory, and as promising as a child’s dream. Registration ends on August 7, and the fee is $10 a person. Contact Arrangements at 608-748-4411 or visit our website at for more information. Sinsinawa Mound, the motherhouse for the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, is located in southwest Wisconsin on County Road Z, off Highway 11, about five miles northeast of Dubuque. ******************************************************* If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US! ********************************************

WNPJ member groups can sign up for a Saturday opportunity to TABLE at the Madison Farmers Market – this Spring and summer at the Capitol Square.

The Farmers Market opening date is April 15th – 7 am to 1 pm …and runs through the Fall on Saturdays. Sign up for your spot today! Bring your own table and hand-outs to the King Street corner of the Square, next to the VFP #25 table! Questions? Contact ****************************************

Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available!

See our new Facebook page: "Like" us and follow us!

Special thanks to volunteer Kathy Esposito for her volunteer work putting the WNPJ weekly e-bulletin together!



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