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Nukewatch announces job opportunity


Are you someone who loves organizing and is looking for employment? Check out this job opportunity with the National Radioactive Waste Coalition of which Nukewatch is a member. The Campaign will provide more serious consideration to candidates from front line communities/regions, and Indigenous and BIPOC individuals. Please feel free to pass along to a good candidate. Thanks, Nukewatch


The National Radioactive Waste Coalition (NRWC) is a coalition of 40+ organizations and groups from across the United States impacted by the presence of radioactive waste. It is committed to stopping the production, reprocessing, and transporting of high-level radioactive waste across the country without a permanent solution for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLRW); and to creating a citizen-based national radioactive waste policy.

NRWC seeks an energetic, self-starting, skilled organizer to fill a part-time national coordinator position to manage and expand the Campaign. This is an “at-home” position primarily based on electronic communications, with the possibility of some occasional Campaign-financed travel. The proposed start date for this position is September 5, 2023.

Applicants will undergo initial screening of their submitted application packet, followed by a ZOOM interview with members of our National Coordinating Committee (NCC) for candidates under final consideration. The Campaign will provide more serious consideration to candidates from front line communities/regions, and Indigenous and BIPOC individuals.

Serious candidates should please review the accompanying Job Description. Questions about the position can be addressed to: We look forward to your application. Be well, National Coordinating Committee of the National Radioactive Waste Coalition

Job Opportunity: National Radioactive Waste Coalition, Coordinator Application: Please submit a resume with three references, a letter of interest and 3 samples of posting on media platforms, and samples of writing. Send to: The National Radioactive Waste Coalition (NRWC) is a coalition of about 40 groups, impacted by the presence of radioactive waste located throughout the United States. It is committed to stopping the production, reprocessing, and transporting of high-level radioactive waste across the country without a permanent solution for the storing of high-level nuclear waste. The National Coordinating Committee (NCC) Is made up of NRWC members and provides direction for the campaign. Access to high-speed, stable internet is required. Our work is grounded in respect for all people. Together, we work to hold the nuclear industry and government agencies accountable for their decisions and actions. We advocate for the responsible handling of radioactive waste to keep us all as safe as possible. We work in accordance with the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing. NRWC is an equal opportunity contractor and seeks to advance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion both in our coalition and our mission-driven work. The ideal candidate will demonstrate these qualifications and traits: Required Qualifications 1. Demonstrate good oral communication and listening skills along with the ability to motivate people. Demonstrated experience in grassroots organizing. Preference for organizing on nuclear and environmental issues 2. Demonstrate experience with digital and in-person organizing. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of environmental justice, and experience working against racism and oppression 4. A demonstrated ability to improvise and change course as needed with changing campaign conditions 5. Capacity to work independently, and self-start once given clear directives 6. Good writing and speaking skills (3 written samples requested) 7. Comfortable reaching out to new people, who may not share the same social, cultural, language, gender identity, economic status, or regional identity. 8. Must have computer and reliable internet access 9. Capacity for unassisted occasional travel

Desirable/Preferred Qualifications and Traits 1. Basic understanding of the nuclear cycle and related issues from generating electricity from nuclear power plants, the creation of nuclear waste, the decommissioning process to the generation of electricity. 2. An understanding of the diversity of issues including culture, gender identity, family structures, urban/ rural, class, economics and regional identity in different regions where nuclear power plants are located. 3. Understanding member organizations’ and their different perceived solutions to the problems of nuclear waste disposal and communicate them to the NRWC and NCC. 4. Experience with non-profits and environmental organizations 5. Understanding of cumulative impacts of existing and future radioactive waste on the environment including human health, soil, water, animal, plant life (both domesticated and wildlife) 6. Understanding/familiarity of the regulatory processes for agencies such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Department of Energy (DOE); and the managing of the Nuclear Industry. 7. Ability to speak another language, like Spanish, desirable but not required. 8. Familiarity/experience in grant-writing and fundraising in conjunction with the NCC.

Work Experience 1. In-person and online organizing 2. Familiarity with non-profit organizations and environmental groups

Educational Requirements 1. Flexible


1. Knowledge of and demonstrated operational ability to use Internet and social media platforms

Job Duties 1. Write concise monthly reports with updates to NRWC members on work completed, on the NRWC Plan and possible recommended actions. 2. Expand the Coalition through outreach and targeted recruitment of new member organizations through outreach to Indigenous groups and tribes, as well as all cultural groups located near decommissioning sites, anti-nuclear groups and the broader environmental movement related to (but not limited to) energy development, wildlife, and agriculture. 3. Develop and post information on NWRC campaigns to the most used social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter on a regular basis. 4. Work with NRWC leadership to ensure communication within and smooth functioning of the coalition by facilitating monthly meetings of the NRWC and the NCC. This includes setting the agendas, managing the list serve, and facilitating communication among NRWC committees and other NRWC working groups. 5. Other duties as assigned and negotiated. Compensation and Schedule: Duties estimated to require approximately 25 hours a week at $25 an hour, $625 a week. The contract is for one year and includes a six (6) month trial period. Some evening/weekend hours may be required. The Coalition Coordinator will report directly to the NCC. The NCC may chose a Liaison to provide direction and communication to the coordinator.



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