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New Resource: PFAS In Your Water Supply? A Quick Guide for Wisconsin Communities


This resource "PFAS In Your Water Supply? A Quick Guide for Wisconsin Communities" was released and shared on 10/19/22 at the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition conference in Milwaukee, WI at a PFAS-related session that representatives of the Great Lakes PFAS Action Network and Wisconsin Green Muslims presented and participated at. This quick guide was made possible by a small grant from the Great Lakes PFAS Action Network to Wisconsin Green Muslims in collaboration with Midwest Environmental Advocates. Peace/Salam.

Huda Alkaff, Founder & Director, Wisconsin Green Muslims | West Bend and Milwaukee, WI | Facebook / Twitter : @WIgreenMuslims

Wisconsin Green Muslims (formerly known as the Islamic Environmental Group of Wisconsin), a grassroots environmental justice group formed in 2005, intends to educate the Muslim community and the general public about the Islamic environmental teachings, to apply these teachings in daily life and to form coalitions with others working toward a just, healthy, peaceful and sustainable future. **17 Years .. Connecting Faith, Environmental Justice, Sustainability and Healing through Education & Service**



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