WNPJ + Faith in Place Environment and Spirituality Summit + Musicians For Gun Sense at the Farley Center + Paths to Peace Learning Opportunity + Baraboo Celebration + Week Without Driving Challenge + Welcome Immigrants signs + other statewide events
The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization
supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.

Stand Up for Immigrants' Rights!
Some of our WNPJ members may still have these "Immigrants Welcome" yard signs from 2008. If you do, send us a photograph of the sign in your yard, and we’ll post it on our WNPJ Facebook page! These signs featured handwritten messages of "welcome" in six languages by people from many of Wisconsin’s immigrant communities. The two-sided yard sign featured "welcome" in Spanish and Hmong, and there also were single-sided window signs featured in either Spanish or Hmong.

Faith in Place 2024 Annual Environment and Spirituality Summit - virtual with watch parties "Grounded and Engaged"
All sessions will be hosted on Zoom with optional in-person keynote watch parties at 4420 W Vliet St, Milwaukee.
Register here to join Faith in Place for the hybrid 2024 Annual Environment and Spirituality Summit, September 22-24, 2024.
Questions? Contact: shahzad@faithinplace.org

Musicians for Gun Sense
Saturday, September 29th at 2pm - 5pm
Linda & Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice, and Sustainability
2299 Spring Rose Rd., Verona, WI
Join Tom Kastle, First Avenue Acoustic, Hoot ‘n Annies, Forward! Marching Band and host Twila Jean for music and discussion on creating a more peaceful society. Enjoy a beautiful setting with fellowship and family fun. There will be authentic Navajo fry bread tacos and drinks for sale at the event (please bring cash for the vendors).
It is quite an honor for us to be working toward a safer society together, particularly when we come across remarkable people like Pastor Jeff Wild, who volunteers with Guns 2 Garden Tools. We are deeply humbled and blessed to have him join us on September 29th, as he demonstrates his work during this exciting day of music, fellowship and fun. Please join us!
Adding SO much fun to the mix of musicians performing at our September 29th Concert will be Madison's own Forward Marching Band and Madison Raging Grannies. Come on out! It's sure to be a great time!

A Path to Peace
The Peace Education Program offers video-based workshops empowering individuals to reflect on their humanity and inner resources. It includes excerpts of renowned author Prem Rawat, and includes reflection time, participant discussions, activities and reading materials.
Themes Include: Peace, appreciation, inner strength, self-awareness, clarity, understanding, dignity, choice, hope, contentment
Echo Valley Hope will offer TPRF’s Peace Education Program via Zoom Tuesday, September 24th. It will continue for nine Tuesdays until November 26th. The programs begin at 6:30pm CST and are about an hour long. The course is free. Please register HERE in advance to attend.
Echo Valley Hope is sharing this program with as many organizations in our region as possible. For more information contact Dena Eakles at 608-606-4450 or dena.eakles@gmail.com. Echo Valley Hope is an educational and charitable 501c3 nonprofit advancing sustainable peace.

Celebrate Sauk: Passport to Culture
A celebration of cultures through food, music and dance will take place on the downtown Baraboo Square along with the Baraboo Farmers market.
Este año, la Coalición de Actos de Baraboo está colaborando con Baraboo Farmers Market para celebrar la diversidad de cultura por medio de comida, música, y baile que existen en el gran Condado de Sauk.
If you're near Baraboo on September 28th, check out Celebrate Sauk supported by Baraboo Acts Coalition!

Participate in "A Week Without Driving" September 30 through October 6!
Wisconsin Transit Riders Alliance advocates for public transit in Wisconsin. Transportation would not be the no. 1 source of greenhouse gases if people had access to more public transportation. Additionally, transportation costs would not be such a large part of an average household’s budget. Please consider signing a request that Governor Evers proclaim Sept. 30 – Oct. 6, 2024 "A Week Without Driving".
If you can drive or afford a car, you may not understand what it’s like to rely on walking, rolling, transit and asking for rides. But for nearly a third of people living in Wisconsin – people with disabilities, young people, seniors, people who can’t afford cars or gas or prefer not to drive – this is our every day. Click here to participate in a Week Without Driving!
A Week Without Driving is a challenge to learn firsthand about the barriers and challenges that nondrivers face in hopes of creating more accessible communities for all. WWD is a new challenge put on by America Walks that we are promoting. Wisconsinites could come together to advocate for more transportation options in their local communities.
CLICK HERE to find links to your legislators and to stay updated!

WNPJ Member Group Events
Click here to see a listing of recurring Vigils across the state!
9/23 @ 12pm-1pm: Vigil to hold space together and demand our representatives end US complicity in Gaza. Meet in front of Senator Baldwin's office, 30 W Mifflin St. We will hold space for the grief and pain of those suffering in Gaza and beyond that is being caused by the use of US provided military support. We will visit Baldwin's 7th floor office to remind her of our demand that, along with Bernie Sanders, she disapprove the upcoming $20 billion more in US arms sales to Israel. According to AP News, Bernie Sanders is preparing resolutions that would block the upcoming sales. In a letter to Senate colleagues, Sanders said the U.S. cannot be “complicit in this humanitarian disaster.” We acknowledge our country's complicity and say, NO MORE! Contact World BEYOND War: warabolition@gmail.com
9/23 @ 12pm-1pm: Vigil for Peace - Meet at the corner of MLK Jr Blvd and Doty St. Questions? Call Tim at 608-630-3633
9/23 @ 6:00-8:30pm: Antiwar Film Series – “A Bold Peace: Costa Rica’s Path of Demilitarization / Una Paz Audaz”. Madison Public Library Rm 301 - Central, 201 W Mifflin. In September, the Antiwar Film Series will show A Bold Peace, a documentary about how Costa Rica abolished its military and the peace dividends that they have reaped. Watch the trailer here. We will show the film in two rooms, so you can watch it in Spanish or English - your choice.About the film: In 1948, Costa Rica dismantled their military and cultivated security relationships with other nations through treaties, international laws, and international organizations. Free from the burden of military spending, they instead invested in the Costa Rican people - creating strong public institutions including public higher education and universal health care. Small group discussions following the film. RSVP if you can to warabolition@gmail.com. The Antiwar Film Series is sponsored by the Madison chapters of Veterans for Peace, World BEYOND War, and Jewish Voice for Peace. warabolition@gmail.com
9/24 @ 5:00-6:30pm: JustDane Reentry Service Fair. At Madison College Goodman South Campus, 2429 Perry St. In partnership with United Way of Dane County, JustDane's Journey Home program presents a Reentry Service Fair for individuals recently released from prison to get connected to resources. Vendors will present about the opportunities that they can offer people reentering, after incarceration. Food will be provided. JustDane info@justdane.org https://justdane.org/stec_event/service-fair-9-3/
9/27 @ 5:00-7:00pm: Madison MAN Cooperative’s MONTHLY POTLUCK.
At the Social Justice Center - 1202 Williamson Street. Contact: Stephanie Rearick - steph@at-home.coop.
9/28 @ 10am-3pm: Back to School - Homecoming Give Back with Urban Triage.
At East Town Mall's Inspire Barber College, where Urban Triage, La Follette BSU, Smiling Coast, and Vernee Nycole House of Beauty will be giving back in a big way! We’ll provide free hairdos, haircuts, dresses, shoes, homecoming tickets, and more to students who need support with homecoming expenses. https://www.facebook.com/events/s/urban-triage-black-to-schoolho/1042915014511479/
9/24 @ 8:30-9:30am: Sustainable Breakfast Series: Net Zero and Beyond at Holy Wisdom Monastery! 4200 Co Hwy M. Join Sustain Dane for a tour of their facility including their LEED platinum Monastery building, 300 kW solar array, and newly reopened geothermal heated/cooled retreat and guest house. Speakers include: Toby Grabs, Director of Operations at Holy Wisdom Monastery and Mark Hanson, Director of Sustainable Services at Hoffman Planning, Design & Construction, Inc. For more than 70 years, the Benedictine sisters have cared for the Monastery land rom restoring the former farmland to native prairie and savanna to earning the title of highest-rated LEED-NC building in the US to date. By the end of 2024, the Monastery will produce 100% of their energy needs onsite from renewable resources. With that, they will be the only net zero energy retreat in Wisconsin and one of only a handful in all of North America. To register, visit: https://sustaindane.org/eventbrite-event/sustainable-breakfast-series-net-zero-and-beyond-at-holy-wisdom-monastery/
9/29 @ 2pm-5pm: Musicians for Gun Sense. At the Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability, 2299 Spring Rose Rd. See the spotlight above for more info.
9/23 @ 11:00am: Join WISDOM to stand in solidarity with the National Religious Campaign Against Torture's Together to End Solitary Campaign. Meet in front of Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility (MSDF) at 1015 N. 10th St. Visit https://www.nrcat.org/torture-in-us-prisons/take-action/together-campaign for details about the campaign. Directly impacted leaders and religious leaders will call for an end to the torture of solitary confinement. They will also emphasize the urgent need to completely depopulate Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility and close the state's two oldest prisons in Waupun and Green Bay. Contact: office@wisdomwisconsin.org
9/26 @ 7:00pm-8:30pm: Hiroshima survivor Hideko Tamura's Story: United Nations Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear. Meet at Zao Church 2319 E Kenwood Blvd. Event co-sponsored by Peace Action WI and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom MKE. A moving recount on video, by Hideko Tamura, who was 10 years old living in Hiroshima, when atomic bombs wrought terrible destruction on the Japanese cities and citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. She describes her experiences before, during and after the Hiroshima bomb. She appeals to us all, "I depend on all of your energy, please continue what you are doing to rule out violent means, especially this inhumane, horrible weapon.... We are not barbarians; we are humans and let us be truly and fully human...." She’s the author of "One Sunny Day, A Child’s Memories of Hiroshima" and "When A Peace Tree Blooms.” We will have time for discussion after the video, with light refreshments. Interview with Amy Goodman:
Contact: pamrichard35@gmail.com or see https://www.peaceactionwi.org/
9/28 @ 10am-12pm: Fall into Hope: Voter Fest. At Central United Methodist Church (639 N 25th St.) Join Faith in Place this Voter Empowerment Month. to share resources and learn ways to mobilize community voices for a better democracy by encouraging voter participation, education, and engagement. Guest speakers to be announced soon. Come and enjoy this fest with warm donuts and autumn drinks with us. Please register for the event at: bit.ly/voter-fest-2024 Contact: shahzad@faithinplace.org
9/28 @ 12pm-1pm: Peace Action WI Weekly STAND for PEACE at KK and Lincoln. Join us and bring your signs. Questions? Contact: info@peaceactionwi.org
Hales Corners
9/28 @ 12pm-1pm: Wisconsin Mom’s Demand Action Events - Canvassing for LuAnn Bird- AD61. Register using this link and filtering by state to WI: https://momsdemandaction.org/events/. Contact: kellie.snooks@gmail.com
9/28 @ 12:30-1:30pm: Weekly Stand for Peace. At the Martin Luther King Plaza, 909 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Racine 53404. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. We have signs, banners and flags available for all. Check out our website for weather concerns. Free Palestine!
9/28 @ 9:30am-2:30pm: Celebrate Sauk: Passport to Culture - If you're near downtown Baraboo today, check out this event supported by Baraboo Acts Coalition! Contact: Marcy Huffaker - marcyhuffaker1@gmail.com and see the Spotlight above!
La Crosse
9/26 @ 12pm-12:30pm: Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. A weekly vigil for peace every Thursday. Questions? Email dbuffton@yahoo.com
9/28 @ 11am-12pm: Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Action Alert: The Driftless Palestinian Solidarity group has a petition to demand that Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and end financial aid to Israel's military. If your group is interested in getting signatures, please email driftless.solidarity@gmail.com. Thank you for your help!
Fon du Lac
9/23 @ 5:30pm: Screening of “Where Olive Trees Weep”. In person with the Sisters of St Agnes in Founders Hall, 320 County Road K. Please use this link to register: https://forms.gle/R3Q21JmA9kjJXvwEA Learn more at the spotlight above.
Madeline Island
9/29 ALL DAY: 1854 Treaty Day - Gathering on Madeline Island - Join us on Moningwaane’akaaning Minis - Madeline Island - for the 170th gathering to celebrate the 1854 Treaty. CLICK HERE for updates!
9/24 @ 7pm-8pm: Affordable Energy Bills: A webinar on how to stand up for fair utility bills. We Energies is proposing another rate increase, with everyday residents being the ones to bear the brunt of the rate increase. In addition, the utility keeps spending more money on fossil fuels like new gas plants. There is a public comment period and public hearings to tell the 3 public service commission members that they should not approve another rate increase, especially while the utility keeps building costly new fossil fuels, extending how long they plan to rely on coal, and haven't improved their bill pay assistance options. This webinar will review We Energies' gas and rate increase proposal, who makes the decision on this proposal, and how to use your personal experience to help inform the decision that's being made about your electric bill and power source. RSVP HERE.
9/26 @ 7pm-8pm: Interfaith Peace Working Group Sponsors Webinar on Gaza by Peter Makari, UCC Global Relations Minister for the Middle East and Europe…..a Zoom presentation for churches and other communities of faith on the crisis taking place in the Middle East.. Born in Egypt, Peter is the Global Relations Minister for the Middle East and Europe for the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ.) A member of the Board of Churches for Middle East Peace, he is among the most knowledgeable and well-informed Church leaders on developments in the Middle East, having spent much of his life studying and living in that part of the world. The Interfaith Peace Working Group invites everyone concerned about the situation in Gaza, Israel, and the region to join Peter in an hour-long discussion of the present crisis, with opportunities to ask questions. Please save the time, date, and Zoom link. For additional information, contact Tracy Abler of CSA at tabler@csasisters.org or Jerry Folk at info@interfaithpeacewg.org. ZOOM LINK HERE.
9/26 @ 7pm-8pm: Wisconsin Mom’s Demand Action WI Statewide Election Meeting. You can register for this event using this link and filtering by state to WI: https://momsdemandaction.org/events/

Join WNPJ - Individual members and groups welcome!
For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!
For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!
Visit our website to find out more about the benefits of membership and join us!

We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our list-serve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.
Here's an opportunity for WNPJ member groups!
WNPJ member groups can sign up to table at the Dane County Farmers Market on Capitol Square every Saturday from April 13th through November 9th at 7am - 1pm. Bring your own table and handouts to SITE 10 on the King Street corner of the Square (next to Veterans for Peace) - you can't sell anything at the non-profit table, but donations to your group are acceptable. Sign up today!
Questions? Contact info@wnpj.org

If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US!

Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available! yardsigns@wnpj.org
Follow us on Facebook!
Questions? Contact info@wnpj.org
The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization
supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.
SAVE the DATE! WNPJ’s 33rd Annual Fall Assembly
Sat. October 19th @ 10:00am-1:00pm in Madison and virtual options
“Mobilize: Creating a Collective Shift from Militarism to a Culture of Peace and Environmental Justice”

Please join the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice as we explore the connection to the cost of war on people and the environment and how we unite to build a culture of peace. Includes presentations by the winners of this year’s Peacemaker Award!
In person at the Madison Friends Meeting House, 1704 Roberts Ct.
Satellite watch parties are an option - for this virtual hybrid event, too throughout Wisconsin. Contact dena.eakles@gmail.com if your community would like to set up a satellite event. For more details as they emerge, visit: https://www.wnpj.org/
Would you be interested in being part of the 2024-2025 WNPJ Board? If so, let the nominating committee know! info@wnpj.org
