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WNPJ Member Events Around the State for the Week of September 9th

WNPJ + Voces de la Frontera Annual Gala! + WISDOM events + Screening of Bad Faith + Farley Center Bird Walk + Paths to Peace Education Series + other statewide events

The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.


2024 Voces de la Frontera 24th Annual Community Gala! - Milwaukee

Friday, September 13, 5:00pm - 6:00pm

Italian Community Center, 631 E Chicago St.

You're Invited! Get ready for a night of joy, community, and unforgettable memories.

Our celebration brings together over 700 members, supporters, and allies to honor strong grassroots leaders in our movement. As we approach a pivotal election, this is your chance to contribute to a cause rooted in dignity and solidarity, playing a part in shaping our collective future. Enjoy an evening filled with dinner, drinks, lively music, an exciting community raffle, and much more, all while supporting our mission during this critical time in history. Ticket information here. Questions? Contact: 


Wisdom Wisconsin events- Sept 10 - 15

It seems these days that every week has big things happening, especially in Wisconsin in 2024. There are three big opportunities in the days from September 10-15.

Tuesday, September 10 -- The 30th Anniversary of the 1994 Crime Bill, and the call for Justice Reinvestment 

In September, we will mark the 30th anniversary of the Crime Bill that helped to supercharge mass incarceration across the country, including in Wisconsin. That bipartisan bill, which had almost no impact on crime, has devastated communities and families. It resulted in tripling the federal prison population, and contributed to more than doubling Wisconsin's state prison population. The 1994 Crime Bill resulted in billions of dollars spent on new prisons and harsher policing and sentencing.

On Tuesday, September 10, WISDOM leaders and allies will gather at 10:00 am at the Wisconsin State Capitol, Room 413 North.

We will call for the repeal of the 1994 Crime Bill. In Wisconsin, we will call for a Justice Reinvestment Act. WISDOM and allies will specifically call for the State of Wisconsin to commit to closing the state's worst prisons WITHOUT BUILDING A NEW PRISON. We will outline the common sense ways that Wisconsin can safely and swiftly reduce the prison population by more than enough to be able to close the Green Bay and Waupun facilities. Join us to help build the movement to flip the script from the 1994 Crime Bill. It is time to reinvest the millions of dollars saved by closing old and dangerous prisons into programs that will help people and communities.

Wednesday, September 11 – Candidate Forum for State Legislature Candidates

SOPHIA sponsoring candidate forum for State Assembly candidates All are welcome and encouraged to attend a Forum for State Assembly candidates in the 13th, 15th, and 82nd districts (covering Wauwatosa, Elm Grove, Brookfield and parts of Waukesha). Even if you are not living in those districts or are not sure, the topics are vital to our state, focusing especially on Wisconsin's prison issues, fair and available housing, and immigration issues in Wisconsin. The Forum will be held September 11, 2024, 6:00 to 7:30 PM, at the Unitarian Universal West Church, 13001 W. North Ave. Brookfield.

Gamaliel “Throwdown” on September 14-15, in Milwaukee and Brookfield

A few dozen people from around the Gamaliel network are planning to join us in Wisconsin for the weekend! Recognizing the importance of our state in the upcoming elections, they will join us knocking on doors in two key areas – one around the area of 131st and North Avenue (the county line between Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties), and one around the area of 9th and North Avenue (the heart of the 53206 Zip Code). 

For those coming from out of town, Gamaliel has secured funding to pay for hotel and meals from Friday evening until Sunday. (Those of us who commute still get food and a t-shirt!) Besides canvassing and talking to people in these two important neighborhoods about the issues we care about (like “Justice Reinvestment” for example), the weekend also promised to supply some fun and community-building with people from around our network.

We do need to register for this event (even if we are commuters). You can do so here on the Gamaliel Throwdown registration page.

Thanks for making it through this whole posting. We hope many of you will be able to join us for one or more of these important events. This is our time to make a difference! If you have any questions about any of these events, please feel free to contact at WISDOM, or at 414-736-2099


“Bad Faith” Film Screenings

Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice, The Wisconsin Council of Churches, WISDOM, and Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee are cosponsoring screenings of the film “Bad Faith” on Monday, September 9. BAD FAITH is a vital and timely documentary that tells the disturbing story of the rise of Christian Nationalism in the US and how some are twisting religion to achieve their political goals. Learn more about the documentary here.

Screenings will be held at:

  • First Baptist Church, 518 N Franklin Ave., Madison, WI 53705 at 6pm:  RSVP Here

  • First Congregational Church, 310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan, WI 53081 at 6pm

  • Manitowoc Cooperative Ministry, 502 N 8th St., Manitowoc, WI 54220 at 6pm

  • ​Oakland-Cambridge Presbyterian Church, 313 E Main St., Cambridge, WI 53523 at 1pm & 6pm: Learn more

  • Wauwatosa Avenue United Methodist Church, 1600 Underwood Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI 53213 at 6pm

  • Immanuel United Methodist Church5410 Sheridan Rd., Kenosha, WI 53140 at 7pm

Contact to learn more.


Farley Center Walk led by the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin - Verona

Saturday, September 14, 9:00am - 11:00am -- 2299 Spring Rose Rd, Verona, WI 53593

Come join the Farley Center as we walk through the Natural Path Sanctuary led by the BIPOC Birding Club of Wiconsin. This event is co-sponsored by: Farley Center, Natural Path Sanctuary, and BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin

The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin creates safe spaces for people of color in the outdoors through outdoor birding activities and outdoor experiences. Individuals and families of all ages and at any level of birding experience are invited and encouraged to join us.

About the Club: The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin was established in 2021 as a community of people of color who love the outdoors and the birds and beauty of natural Wisconsin and wish to connect with others who share the same passion.

While the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin seeks to promote outdoor birding activities and outdoor experiences for people of color, anyone who shares and supports our values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and access for all are welcome to join this group. We are family-friendly, and people of all ages are invited and encouraged to join us.

Experience and knowledge are not required. What is important is having a desire and willingness to see and learn about Wisconsin's birds, animals, and plants and explore its beauty with others who share the same passion and curiosity in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment.


A Path to Peace

The Peace Education Program offers video-based workshops empowering individuals to reflect on their humanity and inner resources. It includes excerpts of renowned author Prem Rawat, and includes reflection time, participant discussions, activities and reading materials.

Themes Include: Peace, appreciation, inner strength, self-awareness, clarity, understanding, dignity, choice, hope, contentment

Echo Valley Hope will offer TPRF’s Peace Education Program via Zoom Tuesday, September 24th. It will continue for nine Tuesdays until November 26th. The programs begin at 6:30pm CST and are about an hour long. The course is free. Please register HERE in advance to attend.

Echo Valley Hope is sharing this program with as many organizations in our region as possible. For more information contact Dena Eakles at 608-606-4450 or Echo Valley Hope is an educational and charitable 501c3 nonprofit advancing sustainable peace.


Grant Opportunity

Tides Foundation has announced the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Frontline Justice Fund’s Fall 2024 grantmaking cycle. Applicants will be able to view the RFP on the Frontline Justice Fund and JustFund websites on September 5, 2024 and proposals must be received by 9/26/2024, 9pm ET. For the Fall 2024 grantmaking cycle, the Frontline Justice Fund will grant up to a total of $2M and anticipate grant amounts will fall in the range of $25k-$150k. Proposals should be submitted through the JustFund common proposal format. Grantees must first create a JustFund user account to respond to the RFP.

By directing funding to frontline communities who are using legal and regulatory advocacy to address environmental degradation and injustice, we aim to create durable and impactful systemic change so that all can thrive.  

For questions about how to submit your proposal, please refer to JustFund's Help Center or contact On September 19th, JustFund will host a webinar training for new applicants at 3pm CT. Please register here.


WNPJ Member Group Events

Click here to see a listing of recurring Vigils across the state!


  • 9/9 @ 12pm-1pm: Vigil for Peace - Meet at the corner of MLK Jr Blvd and Doty St. Questions? Call Tim at 608-630-3633

  • 9/10 @ 10am: WISDOM Leaders and Allies Gathering. At the Wisconsin State Capitol, Room 413 North. We will call for the repeal of the 1994 Crime Bill. In Wisconsin, we will call for a Justice Reinvestment Act. WISDOM and allies will specifically call for the State of Wisconsin to commit to closing the state's worst prisons WITHOUT BUILDING A NEW PRISON. We will outline the common sense ways that Wisconsin can safely and swiftly reduce the prison population by more than enough to be able to close the Green Bay and Waupun facilities. Join us to help build the movement to flip the script from the 1994 Crime Bill. It is time to reinvest the millions of dollars saved by closing old and dangerous prisons into programs that will help people and communities. Contact:

  • 9/10 @ 7:00pm-8:30pm: General Membership Meeting of Democratic Socialists of America - Madison. At the Social Justice Center, 1202 Williamson St. Pizza at 6:30. Contact:

  • 9/12 @ 7:00-8:30pm: HYBRID WI Faith Voices for Justice Interfaith Intersection event - ”What is your faith's 'high holy day'?”. At Peoples United Methodist Church in Oregon, 103 N Alpine Pkwy. This program brings people together to hold intentional conversations on a variety of topics related to faith. An important aspect of this program is that our panelists are lay people, not clergy or academics. Therefore, panelists will address the topics speaking from their own understanding of their  faith but not speaking for their faith. Please volunteer if you're interested in being a panelist. Please join us. PLEASE RSVP HERE. Questions? Contact:

  • 9/14 @ 2pm: WI Poor People's Campaign Organizing Event. Meet at the Brittingham Apartments, 755 Braxton Place. We embark on a historic voter mobilization of millions of poor and low-wage, infrequent voters around our vital 17 point agenda. We are one of nearly 40 states that are participating in nationally-coordinated in-person canvassing to our base. Our powerful fusion movement focuses on issues central to the nearly 2 million poor and low-income eligible voters in Wisconsin. Gather for a brief training and sharing of resources at 2 before we head out in teams to connect with our community about issues of living wages, housing and healthcare. RSVP by contacting us at


  • 9/14 @ 9am-11pm: Farley Center Walk led by the BIPOC Birding Club of WI. Meet at 2299 Spring Rose Rd. - see the spotlight above for more information.


  • 9/11 @ 6:00-7:30pm: Forum for State Assembly candidates in the 13th, 15th, and 82nd districts (covering Wauwatosa, Elm Grove, Brookfield and parts of Waukesha). At the Unitarian Universal West Church, 13001 W. North Ave. Brookfield. Sponsored by Sophia/WISDOM.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend a Even if you are not living in those districts or are not sure, the topics are vital to our state, focusing especially on Wisconsin's prison issues, fair and available housing, and immigration issues in Wisconsin.

  • 9/13 @ 5pm-6pm: Voces de la Frontera Community Gala - see spotlight above for more information.

  • 9/14 @ 12pm-1pm: Peace Action WI Weekly STAND for PEACE at 95th and Burleigh. Join us and bring your signs. Questions? Contact:

  • 9/15 @ 3pm-5pm: The 2024 International Democracy Day Celebration in Milwaukee. At the Central United Methodist Church – 639 N. 25th Street. Free and Open to the Public. A Non-Partisan Event. Co-sponsored by the United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee. The International Day of Democracy was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2007 to promote and uphold democratic principles. The day's goals include: advocating for democracy as a fundamental human right, promoting democracy as a key component of effective governance and global peace, assessing the global status of democracy, and mobilizing political will and resources to address global problems. For more information, contact Patricia McFarland or 


  • 9/14 @ 12:30-1:30pm: Weekly Stand for Peace. At the Martin Luther King Plaza, 909 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Racine 53404. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. We have signs, banners and flags available for all. Check out our website for weather concerns. Free Palestine!


  • 9/14 @ 10am-12pm: Join the WI Poor People’s Campaign in Beloit as we participate in an historic, nonpartisan effort to reach millions of low-wage, low-frequency voters across 30 states during this important election season. Our powerful fusion movement focuses on issues central to the nearly 2 million poor and low-income eligible voters in Wisconsin -- like healthcare, living wages, workers' rights, childcare, and so much more. We invite you to canvass with us and connect with community members in Beloit on Saturday, September 14th from 10am-12pm to hear more about the issues that matter. Exact location details will be provided to those who register prior to the event. RSVP HERE. If you don't have experience canvassing, don't worry, you're not alone! Before heading out in our groups, we will get together for a quick training where questions will be more than welcome. At noon, we'll gather over lunch for a post-canvassing discussion to share experiences during our time in the community. To learn more about the power and potential of poor and low-wealth, infrequent voters, read our landmark report, Waking the Sleeping Giant: Poor and Low-Income Voters in the 2020 Election. Do you have questions or want to join us in Beloit? Contact Sally, our Rock County coordinator at: or call her at 608-921-6187.

La Crosse

  • 9/12 @ 12pm-12:30pm: Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. A weekly vigil for peace every Thursday. Questions? Email


  • 9/14 @ 11am-12pm: Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Action Alert: The Driftless Palestinian Solidarity group has a petition to demand that Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and end financial aid to Israel's military.  If your group is interested in getting signatures, please email Thank you for your help!


  • 9/15 @ 8:30am-6:30pm: Bike the Barns! Meet at Lake Leota Park. Bike the Barns is a fun full-day event for both casual and experienced bike riders. Travel along a beautiful, well-marked route on low-traffic country roads, stopping at local farms throughout the day. Enjoy farm tours, gourmet local food, craft libations, on-farm activities and live music at each stop. The ride is also FairShare CSA Coalition’s largest fundraiser. Proceeds from the ride benefit our organization and the Partner Shares Program which helps low-income households afford farm-fresh veggies. Sign up for the ride with general registration, or go the extra mile and register as a fundraiser rider to help families access food grown by a CSA farmer in their community. To register and for more info, visit:


  • 9/9 @ 7pm: 350 Wisconsin Action Monthly Meeting. Via zoom. We will have an engaging presentation where we'll dive into the stakes of this election season, from the Republican's dangerous Project 2025 to our fight for bold climate policy. We'll highlight key opportunities, from flipping the Wisconsin Assembly to making history by electing the first woman president. You'll discover why the next eight weeks are critical, especially in Wisconsin, where elections come down to 1-2 votes per precinct! Every conversation that we have with a voter could be the one that decides the election! This is your chance to make a real difference and help elect climate champions with 350 Wisconsin Action! Register in advance for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting via computer, tablet, or smartphone.

  • 9/10 @ 2pm-3pm: Monthly zoom call for WNPJ's Environmental Justice Check-In. You are welcome to attend monthly zoom calls for WNPJ's Environmental Justice - Check-in. The calls occur the second Tuesday at 2 pm every month. The zoom link is always the same and is offered below. These calls are a chance for EJ organizations to draw attention to their activities, petitions, actions and more. It is an opportunity to learn from one another and to bring focused awareness to the most important actions occurring in a given month. We are seeing the importance of these communication and are hoping more people can join the discussion. Please be prepared to offer a 3- 5 minute synopsis of your organization's efforts and participate in the think-tank that occurs among us towards EJ. If you would like to have your efforts listed in the agenda please contact;  at least one week before the call. Join Zoom Meeting -

  • September Wisconsin Mom’s Demand Action Events

    You can register for these events using this link and filtering by state to WI:

    Sep 11, 7P Virtual- WI Statewide Election Meeting

    Sep 12 5:30P Virtual – WI Phone Banking for Gun Sense Candidates

    Sep 14 10A Virtual- WI Phone Banking for Gun Sense Candidates

    Sep 15 12P Madison, WI- Canvass for Gun Sense Candidates

    Sep 23 5:30P Virtual – WI Phone Banking for Gun Sense Candidates

    Sep 26 7P Virtual- WI Statewide Election Meeting

    Sep 28 12P Hales Corner, WI- Canvassing for LuAnn Bird- AD61

    Sep 29 2P Verona, WI- Dane County Musicians for Gun Sense

    Mom’s Demand Action, Wisconsin State Community Outreach Lead

    On Call 4 Kids, Director of Media Communications



Join WNPJ - Individual members and groups welcome!

For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!

For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!

Visit our website to find out more about the benefits of membership and join us!

We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our list-serve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.

Here's an opportunity for WNPJ member groups!

WNPJ member groups can sign up to table at the Dane County Farmers Market on Capitol Square every Saturday from April 13th through November 9th at 7am - 1pm. Bring your own table and handouts to SITE 10 on the King Street corner of the Square (next to Veterans for Peace) - you can't sell anything at the non-profit table, but donations to your group are acceptable. Sign up today!

Questions? Contact

If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US!


Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available!


Follow us on Facebook!

Questions? Contact


The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.

SAVE the DATE! WNPJ’s 33rd Annual Fall Assembly
Sat. October 19th @ 10:00am-1:00pm in Madison and virtual options

“Mobilize: Creating a Collective Shift from Militarism to a Culture of Peace and Environmental Justice”

Please join the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice as we explore the connection to the cost of war on people and the environment and how we unite to build a culture of peace. Includes presentations by the winners of this year’s Peacemaker Award!

In person at the Madison Friends Meeting House, 1704 Roberts Ct.

Satellite watch parties are an option - for this virtual hybrid event, too throughout Wisconsin. Contact if your community would like to set up a satellite event. For more details as they emerge, visit:

Would you be interested in being part of the 2024-2025 WNPJ Board? If so, let the nominating committee know!

Our virtual WNPJ Board meeting August 26th, with guests from Faith in Place



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