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WNPJ Member Events Around the State for the Week of October 28th

WNPJ + November’s Referendum + Screening of “Poverty and Power” with PPC + Community Letter Writing in Madison + Reclaim Armistice Day + Urban Triage named Nonprofit of the Year + other statewide events

The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.

Click here to see highlights of the 2024 Annual Fall Assembly



Join WI Poor People’s Campaign for a screening of "Poverty and Power"

Friday, November 1st at 7pm - First Unitarian Society, 900 University Bay Drive, Madison

Show up with your PPC shirts and stay for the panel discussion after the film!


Learn more and watch the LWV webinar recording here.

Through Nov 5th – Weekly Get Out the Vote events with Building Unity. - We will work with state partners to make the days leading up to election day as powerful and productive as possible! For Peace, Justice, Sustainability, & Democracy, Timothy Cordon 608-630-3633.


Community Letter Writing - Letters for Ceasefire!

Monday, Oct 28th 5 - 7 pm

Hosted at A Room of One’s Own: 2717 Atwood Ave, Madison

Sponsored by Madison Rafah Sister City Project


Save the date! "Reclaim Armistice Day" Event - Milwaukee

Monday, November 11

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

200 E Wells St, Milwaukee, WI 53202, USA

A day to celebrate peace, not war. Featured speakers Reggie Jackson and Colonel Ann Wright. Music and more.


Congrats to the WNPJ member group URBAN TRIAGE for their 2024 Award for Nonprofit of the Year

Urban Triage is beyond thrilled to announce that their nonprofit group has been awarded the 365 Leadership Community Choice Award for Nonprofit Organization of the Year! This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of their entire team and community.

They’ll be celebrating this achievement at a special event on Monday, October 28, at the Madison Concourse Hotel at 6:00pm. They are honored to receive this award and look forward to continuing our mission of empowering and uplifting the community.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported them along the way!

“If anyone is interested in seeing this amazing accomplishment, slide through at 6 pm to the Concourse Hotel and wear BLACK to represent Urban Triage. Show up loud and proud to be a part of Urban Triage History!” For those of you interested in the full day Summit, register HERE.


WNPJ Member Group Events

Click here to see a listing of recurring Vigils across the state!


  • 10/28-31 @ 12pm-1pm: Vigil for Peace - In outrage, fear, & in solidarity with most of the rest of the world who are heartbroken by Israel’s genocidal war, the Monday Noon Vigil for Peace has expanded to a daily (Monday - Friday) vigil and walk. Join in for all or part of the walk on any day that you can. Schedule for Daily Walking Peace Vigil:

    12:00 Noon - State St. & Capitol Square

    12:05 PM - Start down State St.

    12:30 PM - “Stand for Peace” at Library Mall Fountain

    12:35 PM - Start back towards the top of State St.

    1:00 PM - Gather at Capitol Square for a short peace song, announcements, & farewells.

    For more information, call Tim at 608-630-3633.

  • 10/28 @ 5:00-7:00pm: Letters for Ceasefire! Hosted at A Room of One’s Own: 2717 Atwood Ave. Sponsored by Madison Rafah Sister City Project See spotlight above.

  • 10/28 @ 6:00pm: Urban Triage to be honored at the 365 Leadership Summit. Concourse Hotel, 1 W Dayton St. See Spotlight above.

  • 10/28 @ 6:00-8:30pm: Screening of "Boycott, about the anti-BDS movement" – At the Downtown Central Library, 201 W Mifflin St. Co-sponsored by World BEYOND War and Madison Vets for Peace.

  • 11/1 @ 7:00pm: Dr. Alfred W. McCoy, professor in the History Department at UW-Madison presents a Friday Forum lecture: "Cold War on Five Continents: Adventures in Empire and Espionage" UW-Madison, 206 Ingraham Hall. Learn more about the event here. Sent to WNPJ by World BEYOND War -

  • 11/1 @ 7:00pm: Screening of ‘Poverty and Power’. At First Unitarian Society, 900 University Bay Drive. See the Spotlight above.



  • 11/2 @ 12:30-1:30pm: Weekly Stand for Peace at NW corner of Highways 31 and 20. Park in the SW corner of the Kohl's parking lot, near the AT&T store. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. We have signs, banners and flags available for all. Check out our website for weather concerns. Free Palestine!

La Crosse

  • 10/31 @ 12pm-12:30pm: Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. A weekly vigil for peace every Thursday. Questions? Email


  • 11/2 @ 11am-12pm: Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Action Alert: The Driftless Palestinian Solidarity group has a petition to demand that Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and end financial aid to Israel's military.  If your group is interested in getting signatures, please email Thank you for your help!


  • 11/2 @ 11:00am-12:00pm: Fox Valley Peace Coalition Monthly Vigil. Meet at 100 West Lawrence Street, Houdini Plaza. We meet on the first Saturday of each month. Contact: Ronna Swift E-Mail:


  • 10/29 @ 7:00pm-8:00pm: First United Methodist Church of Madison Monthly Book “We Do This Until We Free Us” - VIRTUAL This book is by Marianne Kaba and is deeply rooted in the relentless belief that we can fundamentally change the world. As Kaba writes: “Nothing that we do that is worthwhile is done alone.” Join the Zoom Meeting HERE

    Meeting ID: 840 5488 5098 Passcode: 261608 Questions: Contact Josie Gobel 920-988-0705. There are 7 copies of this book in the Madison Library System


Join WNPJ - Individual members and groups welcome!

For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!

For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!

Visit our website to find out more about the benefits of membership and join us!

We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our list-serve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.

Here's an opportunity for WNPJ member groups!

WNPJ member groups can sign up to table at the Dane County Farmers Market on Capitol Square every Saturday from April 13th through November 9th at 7am - 1pm. Bring your own table and handouts to SITE 10 on the King Street corner of the Square (next to Veterans for Peace) - you can't sell anything at the non-profit table, but donations to your group are acceptable. Sign up today!

Questions? Contact

If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US!


Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available!


Follow us on Facebook!

Questions? Contact


The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.


From the WNPJ archives! Some of our WNPJ members may still have these Immigrant Welcome yard signs we were selling back in 2008. If you do, send us a photo of the sign in your yard – and we’ll post it on our WNPJ Facebook page! Stand up for immigrant rights. These signs featured handwritten messages of "welcome" in six languages by people from many of Wisconsin’s immigrant communities. The two-sided yard sign featured "welcome" in Spanish and Hmong, and we had single-sided window signs featured in either Spanish or Hmong.



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