WNPJ + Reclaim Armistice Day + Giving Thanks at Interfaith Intersections + SurvivorsFest in Milwaukee + other statewide events
The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization
supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.
Click here to watch presentations from the 2024 Annual Fall Assembly

"Reclaim Armistice Day" Event - Milwaukee
Monday, November 11
Music at 6:30pm -- Program at 7:00pm
200 E Wells St, Milwaukee, WI 53202, USA
A day to celebrate peace, not war. Featured speakers Reggie Jackson and Colonel Ann Wright. Music and more.
Colonel Ann Wright: A career military woman, US diplomat, influential spokesperson in the anti-war movement, she resigned from the State Department in 2003 in protest of the invasion of Iraq. She is an advisory board member of Veterans For Peace, International Peace Bureau, World BEYOND War, Gaza Freedom Flotilla, NO to NATO and a CODEPINK board member.
Reggie Jackson: An award-winning journalist, Navy veteran, he is a nationally and internationally recognized race relations expert, speaker and published writer. Drawing from his background as a Griot—a traditional West African oral historian—he illuminates often-overlooked narratives within the African-American experience and that of other people of color, both past and present. His dedication to historical accuracy, social justice education, and community empowerment underscores his impact on shaping a more equitable and inclusive society.
And for those of you near Madison: Mon, November 11th @ 11 – 2 pm What is Armistice Day? Walk, Teach In & Media Event.
11:00 am - Armistice Day War Abolition Vigil at Library Mall - Silent vigil to remember the ceasefire that ended World War I
11:30 - War Abolition Walk up State Street with signs
12:00 - 1:00 - What is Armistice Day? Teach-in & Media Event at the Capitol Rotunda. The teach-in and media event will feature Veterans for Peace and others teaching about war abolition and Armistice Day, the day that World War I ended. We will share about why we should mark November 11 as a day to end all wars. We will honor all victims of war and peacemakers, and reject the rebranding of this day by the Military Industrial Complex to glorify wars. warabolition@gmail.com

WI Faith Voices for Justice Interfaith Intersection event – “Giving Thanks”
Thursday, November 14th @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (hybrid)
Sugar River United Methodist Church, 415 West Verona Avenue, Verona
This program “Interfaith Intersection” brings people together to hold intentional conversations on a variety of topics related to faith. An important aspect of this program is that our panelists are lay people, not clergy or academics. Therefore, panelists will address the topics speaking from their own understanding of their faith but not speaking for their faith. Please volunteer if you're interested in being a panelist at a future Interfaith Intersection event.
PLEASE RSVP HERE If you would like to be a panelist for any of these events, email wifaithvoices4justice@gmail.com

The 1st Annual SurvivorsFest
Saturday, November 16th @ 11:00 am - 03:00 pm
1011 W Center St, Milwaukee, at North Division High School
FREE event - open to all!
Contact: Debra Gillispie, Founder
Mothers Against Gun Violence/MAGV
Email: magv.wi@gmail.com PH/Text: 414-234-9368
MAGV, Carroll University & UW-MKE Collaboration
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gunvoices
An Individual can move quickly, a group can move far & a coalition can go all the way. The Road to success is uplifting others. DG

WNPJ Member Group Events
Click here to see a listing of recurring Vigils across the state!
11/11 @ 11:00am-2:00pm: What is Armistice Day? Walk, Teach In & Media Event. 11:00 am - Armistice Day War Abolition Vigil at Library Mall - Silent vigil to remember the ceasefire that ended World War I; 11:30 - War Abolition Walk up State Street with signs; 12:00 - 1:00 - What is Armistice Day? Teach-in & Media Event at the Capitol Rotunda. The teach-in and media event will feature Veterans for Peace and others teaching about war abolition and Armistice Day, the day that World War I ended. We will share about why we should mark November 11 as a day to end all wars. We will honor all victims of war and peacemakers, and reject the rebranding of this day by the Military Industrial Complex to glorify wars. warabolition@gmail.com
11/11 @ 12pm-1pm: Vigil for Peace - Meet at the corner of MLK Jr. Blvd and Doty St. For more information, call Tim at 608-630-3633
11/11 @ 4pm-5pm: Children's African Story Hour - Pinney Library, 516 Cottage Grove Rd. We are thrilled to be partnering with the African Studies Program here at UW-Madison to present a children’s book entitled “Egyptian Lullaby” by Zeena M. Pliska (Author) and Hatem Aly (Illustrator). We will be reading the book to the children, introducing basic Arabic words, teaching basic facts about Egypt, creating an art project based on the book, and sampling Egyptian cuisine! Free and open to the public, and for children of all ages. From Madison Rafah Sister City Project rafahsistercity@yahoo.com
11/12 @ 5pm-7pm: Political Imprisonment: Freedom of Expression and the Carceral State Globally! UW-Madison, Rm. 1418 Van Hise Hall (1220 Linden Dr.). Join the Human Rights Program, the Article 112 Project, and the Justice in Southeast Asia Lab for an evening of out-loud readings of writings of political prisoners, writing letters to political prisoners, and learning about the constriction of freedom of expression and the carceral state globally. We will have readings of writing by prisoners locked up for political expression, including those pictured – Arnon Nampa from Thailand; Alaa Abd El-Fatah from Egypt; and the Stop Cop City defendants from Atlanta, GA, USA – for those who would like to read, but you may also bring your own. Refreshments will be served. More info? jsealab@wisc.edu
11/12 @ 6:30pm: Madison Democratic Socialists of America November General Meeting. At the Social Justice Center, 1202 Williamson St. Agenda? Discussing the week after the presidential election and looking forward to four years of organizing for a 2028 National Strike – and potential socialist presidential candidate? dsamadison@gmail.com
11/14 @ 4:30pm-7:30pm: Indigenous Wisconsin: A Story of Resistance. Madison College, Rm. A1005 (1701 Wright St – opening reception for an exhibit that delves into the rich cultural stories and enduring spirit of 12 Tribal Nations. Light refreshments will be served. Exhibit runs through Dec. 6th. More info? Visit the Facebook event HERE.
11/16 @ 1pm-2pm: Veterans for Peace Madison Planning Meeting for Memorial Mile. Meet at the downtown Central Library, 201 W Mifflin St. Rm 104. Open to the peacemaking public - planning for this annual event in May - Memorial Day weekend and week! This is a time to gather together to talk about long term sustainability of Memorial Mile, with some division of tasks and "before" and "after" planning. Hope to see you there! John Fournelle of VFP Madison Contact: geyerb@yahoo.com
11/16 @ 10am-4pm: 2024 Dane County Youth Climate Summit - Building A Sustainable Future!. Madison College (1701 Wright St.) Run by students for students! Whether you’ve been involved in activism for years or if you have no experience but want to learn more, the youth climate summit is an outstanding opportunity to connect and collaborate with environmental activists throughout Dane County. Come share and learn what you can do to help the environment, exchange ideas with student groups and clubs, and more! All high school and college students are invited - bring a friend! The summit is free for all youth and includes lunch and parking. For more info and to register visit: https://www.theconnectiondane.org/webinar-registration
11/17 @ 2:00pm-5:00pm: Andaleeb Cartonera Bookmaking Workshop. At A Room of One's Own, 2717 Atwood Avenue. Everyone is invited to another Andaleeb Cartonera workshop to make cardboard covers for books, hosted once again by the great folks at A Room of One's Own. Come and support Palestinian liberation and speaking truth to power with this amazing and beautiful new project. Learn more from Madison Rafah Sister City Project rafahsistercity@yahoo.com
11/11 @ 6:30pm-8pm: Reclaim Armistice Day event – City Hall. Learn more in the Spotlight above or email vfpchapter102@gmail.com
11/14 @ 12pm-1pm: Anti-ROTC Vigil. At the Marquette University Library, 1355 W Wisconsin Ave. No institution should be training people to do evil to those who do evil. Sent to WNPJ by Casa Maria Catholic Worker House in Milwaukee shadmuss1983@gmail.com
11/16 @ 12pm-1pm: Peace Action WI Weekly STAND for PEACE at Chavez (16th) and Garfield. Join us and bring your signs. Questions? Contact: info@peaceactionwi.org
11/16 @ 11am-3pm: The 1st Annual SurvivorsFest 1011 W Center St, Milwaukee, at North Division High School. FREE event - open to all! Contact: Debra Gillispie, Founder Mothers Against Gun Violence/MAGV magv.wi@gmail.com - see Spotlight above for more info
Save the date - 11/19 @ 3pm: Peace Action Wisconsin 2024 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND CHILI SUPPER. Zao Church Family Room, 2319 E Kenwood Blvd. Music by Julianne Lovely Thompson and speakers, Rachel Ida Buff, Jewish Voice for Peace, on the Genocide in Gaza as well as Jamie Kellicut introducing the Daughters of Tradition, Native American youth group.They will be selling baked goods as a fundraiser to travel to the United Nations in New York.
Election of 2025 Steering Committee. See our website for candidate’s bios https://www.peaceactionwi.org/. Wheelchair accessible.
11/16 @ 12:30-1:30pm: Weekly Stand for Peace at NW corner of Highways 31 and 20. Park in the SW corner of the Kohl's parking lot, near the AT&T store. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. We have signs, banners and flags available for all. Check out our website for weather concerns. Free Palestine!
La Crosse
11/15 @ 12pm-12:30pm: Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. A weekly vigil for peace every Thursday. Questions? Email dbuffton@yahoo.com
11/16 @ 11am-12pm: Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Action Alert: The Driftless Palestinian Solidarity group has a petition to demand that Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and end financial aid to Israel's military. If your group is interested in getting signatures, please email driftless.solidarity@gmail.com. Thank you for your help!
Eau Claire
11/15 @ 5pm-6pm: Monthly Peace Stand. Meet at WI-93 Trunk & Golf Rd. The 3rd Friday of each month is Peace Stand time in Eau Claire, going on since 2004. We gather with signs, we visit one another and sometimes we sing. Stand and be counted. Contact for more information: helpsmeet@usa.net
11/14 @ 7pm-8:30pm: WI Faith Voices for Justice Interfaith Intersection event – “Giving Thanks” In person and virtual. At Sugar River United Methodist Church, 415 West Verona Avenue. See the Spotlight above for more information.
11/11 @ 10:00am: UN in the News Meeting. At the Fitchburg library, second floor conference room. Discussion of potential impacts of second Trump Presidency on the funding and work of the United Nations. If Republicans take the House, which looks increasingly likely, expect steep cuts to UN budget. In first Trump presidency, the United State withdrew or cut funding from several UN agencies including the Paris Climate Agreement. Now more than ever we’ll have to work harder to advocate on behalf of the United Nations and its goals, and double our efforts to align US policy with the norms and aspirations of the UN. Hope you can join our discussion on Monday. All welcome for this in-person meeting. Sam Romano sromano@charter.net
11/11 @ 7pm-8:15pm: Development of Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Climate Action Plan with 350 WI. Discover what climate action is already happening across Wisconsin, and learn how to access clean energy and energy efficiency resources. ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Register in advance for the meeting here: http://tinyurl.com/350-monthly-mtg Our speaker will be Katelynn Samuelsen. She is the Outreach and Engagement Specialist working on the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant with the Wisconsin Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy. https://350wisconsin.org/monthly-meetings/
11/12 @ 2:00pm-3:00pm: Monthly zoom call for WNPJ's Environmental Justice Check-In
You are welcome to attend monthly zoom calls for WNPJ's Environmental Justice - Check-in. The calls occur the second Tuesday at 2 pm every month. The zoom link is always the same and is offered below. These calls are a chance for EJ organizations to draw attention to their activities, petitions, actions and more. It is an opportunity to learn from one another and to bring focused awareness to the most important actions occurring in a given month. We are seeing the importance of these communication and are hoping more people can join the discussion. Please be prepared to offer a 3- 5 minute synopsis of your organization's efforts and participate in the think-tank that occurs among us towards EJ. If you would like to have your efforts listed in the agenda please contact; dena.eakles@gmail.com at least one week before the call. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88143370873
Contact Dena at dena.eakles@gmail.com or see - https://echovalleyhope.org

Join WNPJ - Individual members and groups welcome!
For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!
For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!
Visit our website to find out more about the benefits of membership and join us!

We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our list-serve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.

If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US!

Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available! yardsigns@wnpj.org
Follow us on Facebook!
Questions? Contact info@wnpj.org
The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization
supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.

From the WNPJ archives! Some of our WNPJ members may still have these Immigrant Welcome yard signs we were selling back in 2008. If you do, send us a photo of the sign in your yard – and we’ll post it on our WNPJ Facebook page! Stand up for immigrant rights. These signs featured handwritten messages of "welcome" in six languages by people from many of Wisconsin’s immigrant communities. The two-sided yard sign featured "welcome" in Spanish and Hmong, and we had single-sided window signs featured in either Spanish or Hmong.