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WNPJ Member Events Around the State for the Week of March 17th

WNPJ + Register now for WNPJ’s Virtual Spring Meetings + Get on the Bus & VOTE April 1 + Keep an eye on our Facebook page + other statewide events


The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.

Note: Events are popping up so quickly these days -- check our Facebook page for late-breaking alerts and events!


Join the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice for our Virtual Spring Assembly!

March 24-28, 2025

Each evening from 7:00-8:00 pm WNPJ brings you the voices of Wisconsin activists as we champion our diversity and our unity.


  • Coalition and Community Building: Our Common Denominators

  • Immigration & Palestine: The Connections

  • Protecting All Our Rights

  • Environmental Justice

  • Anti-war / Anti-militarism / Abolition


Building Unity’s MARCH to ELECTION Day Tour!

The Bus is Touring WI March 8th through April 1st!

On the "March to Election Day Tour," we will stop in over a 18 communities including Columbus, Beaver Dam, Fond du Lac, the Brothertown Nation, Oshkosh, Appleton on March 16th!, the Oneida Nation, Green Bay, the Menominee Nation, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, and Metropolitan Milwaukee.

We are in an unprecedented time of uncertainty. It is our duty to build a united movement for the good of all. Three of the most important things that we can do at this time is to find each other, get organized for solidarity and collaborative action, and elect leaders who share our commitment for Peace, Justice, Sustainability, & Democracy.

At each tour stop on the March to Election Day we’ll listen and learn; share plans and ideas; and explore the possibilities of acting together. And we will explore solidarity actions to address critical issues:

  • End U.S. support for genocide and crimes against humanity.

  • Learn how we can better keep each other safe including our immigrant, BIPOC, and

transgender neighbors.

  • Help Indigenous water protectors Stop Line 5! and other environmental issues.

  • Demand universal health care that includes legal and safe abortion care.

  • Educate and activate voters to the extreme importance of the April 1st Wisconsin Supreme Court race.

Please help and support the March to Election Day Tour if you have the capacity to help

with securing our three basic tour stop needs, in any Wisconsin community: * places to park the UnityMobile for a day * An indoor space where 30 or more people could gather. * One-night indoor sleeping space & bathroom access for 1 or more tour volunteers.

For more information, please call Building Unity at 608-630-3633.


From Echo Valley Hope

Take it to the ballot box (and on the streets, in social media, in conversations, and...)

April 1 Election Wisconsin's Supreme Court Challenge between Susan Crawford and Brad Schimel for a 10-year term.

Wisconsin voters will be asked one question to amend (change) the constitution. This amendment is attempts to bypass the executive and judicial branches through the constitutional amendment process. Vote "No" if you want to retain the citizen right to ballot initiatives, "Yes" if you want to forego your rights.

Go to for more information/


All Supporters Call - Mom's Demand Action

Our amazing followers and supporters often ask us what they can do to help end the gun violence crisis in America, which takes the lives of nearly 46,000 people in America each year.

On Tuesday, March 18, 7:30- 8:30 pm - we’re going to tell you. RSVP for our All-Supporters Call: Contact:


WNPJ Member Group Events

Click here to see a listing of recurring Vigils across the state!


  • 3/17 @ 3:30pm-6:30pm: Mutual Aid Supper Club! At the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center (953 Jenifer St.) If you have any extra ingredients, bring them. We'll make a Stone Soup-style meal that will feature a healthy vegan entree, plus other treats based on what's available. Hosted by the Mutual Aid Network. More info, visit:

  • 3/18 @ 11:30am-12:00pm: Weekly Vigil for Peace with the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa. At the corner of Monroe St and Edgewood Ave. near Edgewood High School. Details here.

  • 3/18 @ 10:00am-3:00pm: WI Democracy Campaign - GOTV Day of Action. Meet at the Urban league, Black Business Hub, 2222 S Park St. When we show up, we WIN, and now more than ever, it’s all hands on deck to educate voters about the WI Supreme Court election, the statewide voter ID amendment question, and other critical races on the ballot. Lunch: 12pm – 1:30pm, Afternoon Session: 1:30pm – 3pm. Attend breakout sessions to text bank, write postcards , and more! Plus, yard signs will be available and lunch will be provided. Sign up today: WI Democracy campaign 608-255-4260

  • 3/18 @ 5:00pm-6:30pm: JustDane Monthly Service Fair. At Madison College Goodman South Campus, 2429 Perry St. Please join us.

  • 3/21 @ 12:00pm-1:00pm: Madison Weekly Vigil in support of Palestine. Meets near the entrance to the Memorial Library across from the Catholic student center. Signs not provided. Contact

  • 3/21 @ 1:00pm-2:00pm: In-person Dane County Poor People's Campaign meeting. At the Central Library 201 W Mifflin St. You will be able to learn more about the PPC and its role in organizing the poor, meet new folks who are motivated to join this movement, and hear updates about current work happening locally and ways to get involved. Forward Together, Not One Step Back! Megan and Danielle

  • 3/23 @ 9:00am: UPDATE FROM PALESTINE. At Madison Christian Community, 7118 Old Sauk Rd. Kristine Wilkie, of Madison, and her sister Martha Monson Lowe, from Decorah, Iowa, traveled to Palestine in November 2024 with Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), to stand in solidarity with their Palestinian friends, both Christians and Muslims, who are navigating the challenges of war and occupation by Israel. Martha has lived and worked in Bethlehem and East Jerusalem, while Kristine has visited many times. MRSCP and Playgrounds for Palestine will be there with solidarity items and Palestinian Olive Oil.


  • 3/18 @ 7:00pm-8:00pm: CODEPINK community potluck with Peace Action WI/ . ZAO Church, 2319 E Kenwood Blvd. We'll be making an action plan for spring. Please RSVP so we can get an accurate headcount. Check your email after you RSVP, we will send a sign up sheet for the potluck!

  • 3/20 @ 12:00pm-1:00pm: Anti R.O.T.C. Vigil. Meet in front of the M.U. Library on Wisconsin Ave. "We do not train our children to do violence to others. Many of the millions of children murdered over the last decades in war have been murdered by Christian men and women. The murder of a child whether engaged in face to face or separated by a thousand miles is still murder—and all Catholics and Christians are morally prohibited by Jesus from participating in it. Their Bishops and Church leaders are mandated to make this moral truth clear to their Christian congregations. Failure to do so is an egregious betrayal of Christ-God and of one's God-given vocation.” –Emmanuel Charles McCarthy. Sponsored by Casa Maria Catholic Worker House.

  • 3/22 @ 12:00pm-1:00pm: Peace Action WI Weekly STAND for PEACE at Bluemound & 68th. Details here. Questions? Contact:


  • 3/22 @ 12:30-1:30pm: Weekly Stand for Peace. At Martin Luther King Plaza, 909 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. Details here. Contact (this event is cancelled when weather is below 25 deg F and check our website for cancellations due to snow)

La Crosse

  • 3/20 @ 12:00pm-12:30pm: Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. Details at the Vigils list. Contact



Eau Claire

  • 3/21 @ 5:00pm-6:00pm: Peace Stand. Meet at Hwy 93 & Golf Road. The 3rd Friday of each month is Peace Stand time in Eau Claire, going on since 2004. We gather with signs, we visit one another and sometimes we sing. Stand and be counted. Contact for more information:

Richland Center

  • 3/22 @ 4:00pm: Richland Center-Santa Teresa Sister City Project Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner. At Richland Center Community Center, 1050 N. Orange Street. Business meeting and then a slide show. 5:30 PM - Meal followed by music and dancing. Open to the public. Dinnerware and beverages will be provided. Bring a dish to pass if you can. .Freewill donations accepted. Email:

Winona, MN

  • 3/19 @ 5:30pm-8:30pm: Community Reading of My Name is Rachel Corrie. At Winona State U, Dorothy B. Magnus Black Box Theatre, 175 W Mark St. This multimedia educational event will center feminist solidarity with Palestine in honor of women’s history month. Performances by Sana Wazwaz, Andrea Shaker, and Sharon Mansur will be integrated throughout the evening, documenting the life of Rachel Corrie. On March 16, 2003, Rachel Corrie, a twenty-three-year-old American, was crushed to death by an Israeli Army bulldozer in Gaza as she was trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian home. FREE, reservation requested: Contact: Bob Goonin


  • 3/17 @ 7:00pm-8:00pm: Celebrating the Coming Spring with Food Sovereignty! On WORT 89.9 FM. Tune into WORT Madison’s community radio station for a special St. Patrick’s Day edition of the Access Hour with John Peck of Family Farm Defenders. If you are curious to learn more about food sovereignty and how this idea could better feed your own family and support your local economy, we will delve into some practical examples. We will also explore some bigger issues such as who owns seeds, what is hunger, do you have the right to repair your own tractor or know where your food comes from, should food be used as a weapon of war or is food a basic human right? Plus, there will be some food/farm inspired poetry and related music. More info?

  • 3/18 @ 7:30pm-8:30pm: All Supporters Call - Moms Demand Action - WI. Our amazing followers and supporters often ask us what they can do to help end the gun violence crisis in America, which takes the lives of nearly 46,000 people in America each year. RSVP for our All-Supporters Call: Contact:

  • 3/19 @ 8:00pm: WI Right to Boycott Campaign Webinar Register here.

    Check out more information and fill out our interest form

    If you have questions or would like to schedule an info session specifically for your organization, contact

  • 3/19 @ 11:00am: The Women in Conflict Zones webinar. All welcome to join an important event to amplify the voices of women who have been affected by conflict in various parts of the world, sponsored by World BEYOND War, Southern Anti-Racism Network, International Peace Bureau, Convention for Pan-Africanism and Progress (CPP), and CODEPINK. Their aim is to shed light on the profound impacts of war on women and children and to discuss measures being taken to mitigate these effects. Register here.

Join the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice for our Virtual Spring Assembly!

March 24-28, 2025

Each evening from 7-8:00 pm WNPJ brings you the voices of Wisconsin activists as we champion our diversity and our unity.

Mon Mar 24, 7 – 8 pm Coalition and Community Building: Our Common Denominators

Tues Mar 25, 7 – 8 pm Immigration & Palestine: The Connections

Wed Mar 26, 7 – 8 pm Protecting All Our Rights

Thurs Mar 27, 7 – 8 pm Environmental Justice

Fri Mar 28, 7 – 8 pm Anti-war / Anti-militarism / Abolition


WNPJ has a NEW website page on IMMIGRATION JUSTICE! Many WNPJ member groups are organizing around Immigration with webinar events and more. Send any events you're involved with to WNPJ and we'll add them to this developing page!


Join WNPJ - Individual members and groups welcome!

For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!

For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!

Visit our website to find out more about the benefits of membership and join us!

We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our list-serve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.

If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US!

WNPJ has a YouTube Channel! Check it out here to view members videos!


Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available!


Follow us on Facebook!

Questions? Contact


The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization

supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.

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