WNPJ + Ceasefire Statement by MRSCP + WISDOM’s Rights of Nature Series + Immigration Law 101+ Baraboo Acts reading series + WBW Close Down the Bases Campaign + other statewide events
The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization
supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.

WNPJ has created some buttons welcoming immigrants. If you are interested in making any for yourself or your group, let us know and we will gladly share the graphic for you to use. info@wnpj.org. AND.....we can mail you a bunch of buttons if you're interested!
Contact peckjohne@gmail.com!
![A view of the destruction in Rafah. About 90 percent of Gaza’s population was forcibly displaced, making it among the highest recorded percentages in modern conflicts. [Hassan Jedi/Anadolu]. More photos here.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1e904b_92a46239cbb247da83c13e6b74425951~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_735,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/1e904b_92a46239cbb247da83c13e6b74425951~mv2.png)
Madison-Rafah Sister City Project welcomes the temporary ceasefire in Gaza
Any pause in this genocide is good news, but we urge everyone not to look away because:
While the current ceasefire brings relief to the people of Gaza who have lived through more than a year of genocide, they are wary. The ceasefire needs to be permanent and there is every indication that Israel and the US do not intend for that to happen. As it has in Lebanon, Israel has already broken the ceasefire. The US continues to send billions to arm Israel and give it the green light to do whatever it wants.
Israel immediately escalated its military campaign in the West Bank, particularly the city and camp of Jenin. Israeli leaders have openly vowed to repeat what they did in Gaza. And the IDF is supporting the latest violent "price tag" pogrom by Israeli settlers trying to drive Palestinians off their land.
The aid that is finally starting to get into Gaza is welcome, but woefully inadequate to counter the apocalyptic level of human suffering and destruction that Israel has inflicted in order to make Gaza uninhabitable. To make matters worse, on January 28, Israel is set to outlaw UNRWA, the agency upon which millions of Palestinian refugees depend, while the US government continues to cut off all UNRWA funding.
Our partners at the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) have just put out an update on the ceasefire from the perspective of their staff (who have continued their work on the ground in Gaza throughout this horrible time) that we urge everyone to read. We also ask that those who can please donate to Gaza relief -- either at the link at the end of MECA's update, or via MRSCP's MECA donation page.
Finally, and very importantly, never rely on the mainstream news for accurate information. Visit our website to find a list of recommended news sources. rafahsistercity@yahoo.com

WISDOM's Rights of Nature Series
January 29 to February 26 (every Wednesday)
6:30-8:00 pm, via Zoom
Rights of Nature is an approach to environmental justice that WISDOM has embraced. It has a spiritual dimension, which is heavily influenced by Native American spirituality and the understanding that all of life is interrelated and has inherent worth. It also has a legal dimension, in which we believe the natural world should have the right to be protected from harm and have the right to have wrongs remedied. The Rights of Nature team will be hosting a 5-Week Zoom training about the Rights of Nature movement. The training will include the following 5 sessions:
Key principles of Rights of Nature
Global Perspectives/What's happening around the world
Philosophical, Ethical and Religious Dimensions of Rights of Nature
Practical Applications and Advocacy
Personal, Group and Collective Action Plan
Register HERE - Questions? office@wisdomwisconsin.org

History and Current Status of Immigration Law in the U.S. – Part of the UW Badger Talks Series
Thurs. Jan. 30th @ 1:30 pm
Lakewood Village (6205 Mineral Point Rd.)
Presented by Sara McKinnon, UW Professor of Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture and Faculty Director of Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies (LACIS). She is currently working on a collaborative project to expand the legal information about US immigration and refugee programs and legal counsel available to migrants throughout Latin America as they consider safe options for movement and resettlement. Visit: https://www.platomadison.org/event-5989909.
And more on Immigration Justice: read this timely article published 1/24/25 in the Wisconsin Examiner "Immigrant rights advocates prepare for Wisconsin law enforcement collaboration on deportation".

“The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Us and How We Can Prosper Together.”
Thurs Jan 30 through Tues Feb 25 Baraboo Reads! Series coming up. Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library, 230 4th Avenue, Baraboo. Registration is now open for the 5-week book discussion: Baraboo Reads “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Us and How We Can Prosper Together.” The discussions will be led by Baraboo School District Superintendent, Dr. Rainey Briggs. Register in person at the Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library and pick up your book! The group will meet from 5 pm to 6:30 pm on each of the following dates: Thursday, January 30; Tuesday, February 4; Thursday, February 13; Thursday, February 20 and Tuesday, February 25. For more information: https://calendar.csmpl.org/event/baraboo-reads-sum-us-series-special-guest-rainey-briggs-5641

Close Down the Bases!
WNPJ members and groups - if you're involved locally with this international campaign from World Beyond War - let us know! Send your updates to info@wnpj.org or warabolition@gmail.com

WNPJ Member Group Events
Click here to see a listing of recurring Vigils across the state!
1/28 @ 11:30am-12pm: Weekly Vigil for Peace with the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa. At the corner of Monroe St and Edgewood Ave. near Edgewood High School. Details here. opjustice@sinsinawa.org
1/28 @ 5:30pm-7:00pm: MLK Symposium – featuring Donzaleigh Abernathy. UW-Madison Memorial Union – Shannon Hall (800 Langdon St.), All welcome to hear this actress, author, and activist - the youngest daughter of American Civil Rights Movement co-founder Rev. Dr. Ralph Abernathy and the goddaughter of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Folks can also join virtually. For more info and to get a free ticket, visit: https://diversity.wisc.edu/mlk-symposium/
1/29 @ 4:00pm-4:30pm: Weekly Vigil for Gaza. Meet at the Southwest corner of East Washington Avenue & Fourth Street. Details here. Email Helena at hspw@att.net for more information.
1/29 @ 4:00pm-4:30pm: Trump is President, What’s Next - Town Hall with Rep. Mark Pocan. At the South Central Federation of Labor, 1602 S Park St #228. Reservations are not needed. Contact: Morgan Salli, Field Representative, Congressman Mark Pocan (WI-02) 10 East Doty Street, Suite 405 | (608) 258-9800.
1/29 @ 5:00pm-7:00pm: "Student Protest and Freedom of Expression: UW-Madison and Beyond". Room 325/26, Pyle Center on Langdon St. Panel Discussion featuring: Professors Gay Seidman (UW-Madison), Steve Sanders (Indiana University), Howard Schweber (UW-Madison), Keith Woodward (UW-Madison) and Sabiya Ahamed (Palestine Legal). Last year, campus protests became a political flashpoint in the US. As students around the country staged protests against the Israel/Gaza conflict, Congress held hearings, police were deployed to shut down encampments, and university leaders were forced to step down. Reports of antisemitic incidents on campuses proliferated. Over the summer, universities prepared for the incoming year by holding disciplinary proceedings for students who had been involved in campus protests, increasing security personnel, and, as in the case of UW, enacting greater restrictions on campus speech. The panel forms part of a series exploring dissent on campus, the Israel/Gaza conflict, and antisemitism and islamophobia in US universities.
1/29 @ 7:30pm-9:00pm: Screening of the film TANTURA. At the Bartell Theater, 113 E. Mifflin St ~ Off the Capitol Square ~ "In the war of 1948 hundreds of Palestinian villages were depopulated. Israelis call it 'The War of Independence. Palestinians call it 'Nakba"'. The film examines one village- Tantura and why "Nakba" is taboo in Israeli society." Part of the AntiWar Film Series supported by Veterans for Peace Madison and World BEYOND War - geyerb@yahoo.com
1/30 @ 1:30pm: History and Current Status of Immigration Law in the U.S. See the Spotlight above for more information.
1/31 @ 12:00pm-1:00pm: Madison Weekly Vigil in support of Palestine. Meets near the entrance to the Memorial Library across from the Catholic student center. Signs not provided. Contact joel.garb@gmail.com
1/27 @ 10:00am: Dane County UN in the News Group At the Fitchburg library, 2nd floor conference room, 5330 Lacy Rd - in person. We will be discussing recent events affecting the UN and its goals and work. We already know that Trump wants the United States to leave the WHO and the Paris climate agreement as well as stop funding for UNRWA . Other topics include Palestinian cease fire, release of hostages, rebuilding Gaza, leadership of Gaza going forward. Lots to talk about and lots to process as far as how we supporters of the UN and multilateralism should/must respond. Contact: Sam Romano sromano@charter.net
2/1 @ 12:00pm-1:00pm: Peace Action WI Weekly STAND for PEACE at 16th & Wisconsin. Details here. Questions? Contact: info@peaceactionwi.org
2/1 @ 12:30-1:30pm: Weekly Stand for Peace. At Martin Luther King Plaza, 909 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. Details here. Contact https://racinepeace.wordpress.com (this event is cancelled when weather is below 25 deg F and check our website for cancellations due to snow)
La Crosse
1/30 @ 12:00pm-12:30pm: Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. Details at the Vigils list. Contact dbuffton@yahoo.com
2/1 @ 11am-12pm: Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Details here. Contact driftless.solidarity@gmail.com.
2/2 @ 12:00pm-12:30pm: Women in Black weekly silent vigil. Meet at Center City Park on the Corner of Tower and Belknap. Details here. Contact Christine christineolson3@gmail.com
Sturgeon Bay
1/30 @ 6:30pm-8:30pm: Screening of All Too Clear. Beneath the Surface of the Great Lakes, a documentary film on the impact of Quagga mussels in the Great Lakes. (Crossroads) Collins Learning Center, 2041 Michigan St. To learn more, contact: contact@cleanwateractioncouncil.org
2/1 @ 11:00am-12:00pm: Fox Valley Peace Coalition Monthly Vigil. Houdini Plaza on College Avenue. All are welcome. For more information, contact Ronna Swift at ronnajean61@gmail.com.
Ellison Bay
1/30 @ 9:00am-12:00pm: Door County Climate Change Action Workshop #43. Meet at The Clearing, Jens Jensen Visitor Center, 12171 Garrett Bay Rd. Join Jeff Lutsey, Deneen Hopkins Wiske, and Roy Thilly to learn about the most effective strategies to slow and be resilient to climate change. Using Project Drawdown’s roadmap for accelerating climate solutions as our guide, we will work together to identify the most effective actions that we can apply in Door County. We will brainstorm how to foster broad-based and effective local climate action in our communities, and how implementing climate strategies can be easy, cost-effective, and bring other important health benefits. We will collaborate to answer the questions: How can Door County address the climate crisis by reducing greenhouse gas emissions? And how can we drive the climate actions needed from individuals, businesses, communities, and local and state governments? Topics will range from energy use, transportation, food waste, agricultural practices, land conservation, and reforestation. We will strive to be specific and practical. Please join us to learn, plan, and act! Tuition is $35/person. Register here. To learn more, contact: contact@cleanwateractioncouncil.org
1/30-2/25: Baraboo Reads! Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library, 230 4th Avenue, Baraboo. Registration is now open at the library for the 5-week book discussion. See the Spotlight above for more information
1/27 @ 8:45am-10:15am: WNPJ Monthly Board Meeting. Via zoom. For more information, contact info@wnpj.org
1/29: WISDOM's Rights of Nature Series - via zoom. See the Spotlight above.
1/29 @ 7:30pm: Moms Demand Action National Webinar/Planning mtg
While lawmakers are getting back to session, along with the new Trump administration, it is now more important than ever that we continue the hard work to end gun violence and to make our communities a safer place to live. We invite you to join a national virtual call with supporters across the country to find out the latest on how we’re adjusting our plans for this new climate, and just HOW we'll fight to end gun violence in 2025 in the states and at the federal level. RSVP to join this call, a zoom link will go out the morning of the call. Andrea Herbert aherbert@everytown.org

WNPJ has a NEW website page on IMMIGRATION JUSTICE! Many WNPJ member groups are organizing around Immigration with webinar events and more. Send any events you're involved with to WNPJ info@wnpj.org and we'll add them to this developing page!

Join WNPJ - Individual members and groups welcome!
For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!
For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!
Visit our website to find out more about the benefits of membership and join us!

We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our list-serve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.

If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US!

Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available! yardsigns@wnpj.org
Follow us on Facebook!
Questions? Contact info@wnpj.org
The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization
supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.