WNPJ + Training with WISDOM and VOCES to stop deportations + Seeds from Family Farm Defenders to aid GAZA + Close Down the Bases events + other statewide events
The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization
supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.
WISDOM VIRTUAL TRAINING – Stopping Mass Deportations Through Local Sheriffs
Date: Monday, February 10
Time: Starts at 6:30 PM
Register: https://bit.ly/stoppingdeportations
This training will equip you with the tools to advocate for change and hold local authorities accountable. Let’s work together to build a safer, more inclusive community.
Also read this timely article published 1/24/25 in the Wisconsin Examiner "Immigrant rights advocates prepare for Wisconsin law enforcement collaboration on deportation"
Amanda Ali- Digital Organizer at WISDOM aali@wisdomwisconsin.org
Upcoming Know Your Rights Trainings with Voces de la Frontera
Did you know that ICE has the legal authority to lie and use deception? When you Know Your Rights, you’ll be able to understand when ICE is lying, and better defend yourself and your family!
Attend a regional Know Your Rights Training and walk away with a plan for the worst case scenarios, in addition to being empowered with understanding what constitutional rights that everyone has, regardless of their citizenship status. Everyone has rights! Trainings will also have informational packets that you can take home (or visit our website for downloadable materials here).
*If you’re interested in leading a Know Your Rights training, please reach out to our office at 414-643-1620. We are starting to offer Spanish language certification courses that can be completed in half a day. You’ll receive access to training materials like powerpoints and more.
Wisconsin Dells
Thursday, February 13, 5:30 p.m.
Kilbourn Public Library, 620 Elm St
Saturday, February 15, 10:00 a.m.
Lighthouse Church, 402 Schroeder Rd
Richland Center
Sunday, February 16, 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Richland Center High School, 1966 US Hwy 14 W
Wednesday, February 19, 6:00 p.m.
Madison Labor Temple, #212 1602 S Park St
Monday, February 24, 5:00 p.m.
Oficina de Voces Milwaukee, 737 W Mitchell St
Family Farm Defenders is supporting a Fundraiser for Gaza: Palestine Seed Solidarity Pack
As we all know, the ceasefire in Gaza is just the beginning and the future of the region still depends on international solidarity. You can grow hope and change in your garden and help us raise funds in this critical moment.
Proceeds will benefit the Stop Gaza Starvation Campaign of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UWAC), a Palestinian member of La Via Campesina (LVC).
The Palestine Seed Solidary pack includes our tfypes of heirloom seeds:
Britijan Battari eggplant, Small Jadu'i watermelon, Kousa summer squash, and Yakteen gourd
Plus, information on:
UAWC's Food Sovereignty - A Palestinean Perspective 'zine
FFD's "Food is not a Weapon" Gaza Solidarity Statement
UAWC's latest Stop Gaza Starvation update
Free Palestine button
Suggested donation $50, includes postage. Email familyfarmdefenders@yahoo.com to order. https://stopgazastarvation.org/
Close Down the Bases!
WNPJ members and groups - if you're involved locally with this international campaign from World Beyond War - let us know! Send your updates to info@wnpj.org or warabolition@gmail.com
WNPJ Member Group Events
Click here to see a listing of recurring Vigils across the state!
2/10 @ 12:00pm-1:15pm: Middle East Studies Spring Lecture Series presents: Elastic Empire: Refashioning War Through Aid in Palestine. At UW Madison, Ingraham Hall Room 206. Professor Lisa Bhungalia demonstrates how US empire operates as a topological formation that projects security and war power through opaque arrangements and blended genres of rule—in this case contracted relationships of aid—that render Washington’s counterterrorism regime intimately embedded in the lifeworlds of those afar.Free and open to the public. Vegetarian Middle East lunch provided. Click here for more information and to register.
2/10 @ 6:00pm-8:00pm: Screening of UNION. At the Madison Central Library - 3rd Fl 201 W Mifflin St. Film and discussion of the 2024 documentary about the campaign to organize Amazon warehouse workers in NYC. Hosted by the Madison General Membership Branch (GMB) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).
2/10 @ 6:00pm-7:30pm: DSA-Madison's "Worker’s Inquiry - Learn How Organize your Workplace!" At the Madison Labor Temple 1602 S. Park St, Room 212. Thinking about organizing your workplace, but don’t know where to start? Eager to talk to fellow socialists about building power to fight your boss, and all the bosses? Have we got a meeting for you! This is a direct skill-building meeting for Madison DSA members to meet other members working to unionize their workplace. The purpose of this meeting is to talk through barriers you have in your workplace and share accomplishments and challenges. Be prepared to discuss reflections on your own workplace. Vegetarian food will be provided – please RSVP here to make sure we have an accurate count for food and drink. dsamadison@gmail.com
2/11 @ 11:30am-12pm: Weekly Vigil for Peace with the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa. At the corner of Monroe St and Edgewood Ave. near Edgewood High School. Details here. opjustice@sinsinawa.org
2/11 @ 6:30pm-8:30pm: DSA General Monthly Meeting. Meet at the Social Justice Center•1202 Williamson St. or via zoom. The monthly General Meeting of the Madison chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America is a great place to learn about the chapter, join us in making collective decisions, and get plugged in to our active campaigns and working groups. If you're coming in person, come early at 6pm for pizza & socializing!RSVP for the Zoom link to join virtually. dsamadison@gmail.com
2/12 @ 8:00am-9:30am: Gather the Community Breakfast with WILPF. At Linden Co-Housing 107 Sutherland Ct. The conversation this morning will be with Dane County Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner on Fair & Affordable Housing in Madison & Dane County: the Issues & Solutions. Heidi Wegleitner is a legal aid attorney specializing in tenants’ rights and subsidized housing law. She has trained hundreds of attorneys and law students in landlord-tenant law and eviction defense. She’s been a staff attorney at Legal Action of Wisconsin since 2006. In 2012, she was elected to represent District 2 on the Dane County Board of Supervisors. During her tenure, she’s been a champion for fair and affordable housing, expanded homeless services, due process rights for people seeking county services, efforts to reduce harmful racial disparities, and worker and tenant organizing. She currently chairs the County Board’s Health and Human Needs Committee which oversees Dane County’s largest department, Human Services. --- Each Gather the Community Breakfast is a place for activists to come together, connect, converse, and engage with a topic affecting the peace and freedom of our world. Vegetarian breakfast buffet served. The cost of the breakfast is $20, with a sliding scale of $10 - $20. (Cash or Check) Funds are used to provide an honorarium to our guest speaker and to further the work of Madison WILPF.
Limited Seating - RSVP now to Reserve carol.wilson.622@gmail.com
2/13 @ 6:30pm: Lakota Nation versus Unites States – Social Cinema film screening. At UW-Madison, Union South – Marquee Theater (1308 W. Dayton St.) Followed by informal discussion. The Lakota fight to protect their sacred land in this provocative, visually stunning testament to a people who have survived removal, exploitation and genocide – and whose best days are yet to come. Hosted by the Havens Wright Center. More info? https://havenswrightcenter.wisc.edu/event/lakota_nation/
2/13 @ 7:30pm: Crystal Corner Bob Marley Birthday Tribute, Community Dance Party, and Local Food Drive Fundraiser! Music from Real Roots Rockers, DJ Kayla Kush, and DJ Captain Smooth. Donation at the door, plus bring non perishable food items for local pantries. Proceeds to benefit Healthy Food for All – Dane County and WORT 89.9. More info? https://www.facebook.com/events/1119335226012093/
2/14 @ 12:00pm-1:00pm: Madison Weekly Vigil in support of Palestine. Meets near the entrance to the Memorial Library across from the Catholic student center. Signs not provided. Contact joel.garb@gmail.com
2/16 @ 5:00pm-7:00pm: Resilient Families: Parenting for Peace and Justice – (first of 3 mtgs) – At the Friends Meeting House, 1704 Roberts Ct, Other meeting dates are March 16 & April 13. Madison Friends Meeting invites families to gather for food and discussions around raising children in today’s challenging world. The goal is helping parents encourage inquiry, reflection and action—essential qualities for young people growing up in a diverse society. Topics: Conflict Resolution in the Family, Making Social Media Safe, and Environmental Justice with Children: Action and Appreciation versus Anxiety. Everyone is welcome! Hosted by Quaker Meeting, the program includes no religious content and is open to families of all faiths—or those with no religious affiliation. Informal meal and child care provided at no charge. Please register in advance for one or more of the sessions to help us with planning. Details at https://madisonfriends.org/resilientfamilies/ Questions? Rebecca Malke: FDSprogram@madisonfriends.org
2/10 @ 10:00am: ‘UN in the News’ Monthly Meet-up. At the Fitchburg Library, 2nd floor conference room, 5530 Lacy Rd. So many international items to discuss. All welcome. Contact Sam Romano - sromano@charter.net
2/11 @ 6:30pm-8:30pm: Community Potluck with Code Pink, Peace Action WI VFP and more! At Zao Church 2319 E Kenwood Blvd. We will gather from 6-8PM, have discussions, eat and build community. We'll be sending an RSVP form, but you don't have to fill it out to come. Check your email after you RSVP, we will send a sign up sheet for the potluck! Co-sponsored by Peace Action WI, Veterans for Peace Milwaukee Chapter, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-Milwaukee and Building Unity WI. Contact danaka@codepink.org https://www.codepink.org/
2/15 @ 12:00pm-1:00pm: Peace Action WI Weekly STAND for PEACE at Sherman & North. Details here. Questions? Contact: info@peaceactionwi.org
2/15 @ 10:00am-11:30am: UNA-GM Annual Business Meeting and Presentation on “Nourishment Through the Gifts of Water and Friendship”. Meet at Zao MKE Church, 2319 E Kenwood Blvd, 1st Fl conference room or via zoom. All welcome to this free and highly informative presentation followed by time for questions and comments by Dr. Andrea J. Stapleton, Grace Avila, & Theresa Lindberg, Members of the Board of Directors of Global Partners: Running Waters. Virtually Through the Following Zoom Link
They will describe the mission and the work of the organization and how Global Partners: Running Waters has impacted lives in Central America by the implementation of water systems, while building relationships across nations to collaborate on easing the burdens on human lives resulting from complex systemic inequities. Contact: Jerrold Rousseau jerroldbrousseau@gmail.com
2/15 @ 12:30-1:30pm: Weekly Stand for Peace. At Martin Luther King Plaza, 909 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. Details here. Contact https://racinepeace.wordpress.com (this event is cancelled when weather is below 25 deg F and check our website for cancellations due to snow)
Green Bay
2/13 @ 7:00pm-8:00pm: A Visit From Will Dilg: Movie Screening. UW-Green Bay Student Union: Christie Theater, 2420 Nicolet Dr. The Environmental Management and Business Institute of UW-Green Bay and the Brown County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America will be screening the movie. Steven Marking plays Will Dilg in an inspiring one-man stage production. After suffering from the drowning death of his son in the early 1920s, Dilg rose from the depths of depression to lead an extraordinary national crusade to stop the drainage of our Upper Mississippi River backwaters by forming a great national preserve, our Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. This screening is free and open to the public. To learn more, contact: contact@cleanwateractioncouncil.org
La Crosse
2/13 @ 12:00pm-12:30pm: Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. Details at the Vigils list. Contact dbuffton@yahoo.com
2/15 @ 11am-12pm: Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Details here. Contact driftless.solidarity@gmail.com.
2/16 @ 12:00pm-12:30pm: Women in Black weekly silent vigil. Meet at Center City Park on the Corner of Tower and Belknap. Details here. Contact Christine christineolson3@gmail.com
2/11 @ 6:30pm: WISDOM’s "What's at Stake in the Wisconsin State Supreme Court Election?". On-line via zoom. Part of the Faithful Stance for Equity series. Register here. Our featured speaker, Jack Kelly, a journalist from Wisconsin Watch, will break down what the State Supreme Court actually does—beyond what campaign ads suggest—and discuss key issues likely to be decided after the April 1 election. Contact: office@wisdomwisconsin.org
2/11 @ 2:00pm-3:00pm: Monthly zoom call of the Environmental Justice Task Force. The WNPJ Environmental Justice Task Force works to increase awareness and build connections among people and groups in Wisconsin to bring marginalized and frontline voices, understandings, and experiences to the forefront. We meet via zoom on the second Tuesday of the month at 2pm CT. If you are interested in joining, please contact Dena Eakles: dena.eakles@gmail.com
2/13@6 - 7 pm "Time to demystify geothermal systems". Join Faith In Place's Monthly Call to learn how tapping into the Earth’s heat can help combat climate change and advance just and sustainable energy solutions. "Time to demystify geothermal systems", from traditional applications to cutting-edge technologies like thermal energy networks and explain the options available for communities and individuals.
Please register for the call using this link:
After the registration, if you can't make it for the live call, don't worry. You will get the recording of it later."
WNPJ has a NEW website page on IMMIGRATION JUSTICE! Many WNPJ member groups are organizing around Immigration with webinar events and more. Send any events you're involved with to WNPJ info@wnpj.org and we'll add them to this developing page!
Would you and your community like a WNPJ IMMIGRANTS WELCOME button?
Contact John Peck of the WNPJ Board and he can mail you some! peckjohne@gmail.com
Join WNPJ - Individual members and groups welcome!
For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!
For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!
Visit our website to find out more about the benefits of membership and join us!
We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our list-serve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.
If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US!
Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available! yardsigns@wnpj.org
Follow us on Facebook!
Questions? Contact info@wnpj.org
The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization
supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.