WNPJ + Grants Workshop for Tree Canopies + WNPJ’s Weaving the Web Drop-in Hour + Lanterns for Peace + 6-Week Course offering from CSA + VOTE NO info + other statewide events
What's in the News this week:

WNPJ’s e-bulletin Editor’s favorite image of the week: Jewish Voice for Peace – 500 Protest in the US Capitol Building, an “un-welcome’ to Netanyahu’s visit to Washington DC on July 23rd.
And – from the Guardian July 23, 2024: Seven major US labor unions call on Biden to ‘shut off military aid to Israel’. Their letter to US president says: ‘our unions are horrified that our tax dollars are financing this ongoing tragedy’.
SPOTLIGHT on member Group Faith in Place:

Join Faith In Place for a community meeting to learn how your House of Worship or organization can receive up to $30,000 to support a tree planting and maintenance project on your property.
MILWAUKEE Tues July 30th, 1:15 – 3 :30 pm Tree Canopy Workforce – Community Grant Opportunity. Meet at Havenwoods State Forest, 6141 N Hopkins St. Registration with Faith in Place : bit.ly/trees-milwaukee or reaching out to either Shahzad (shahzad@faithinplace.org) or Tanya (tanya@faithinplace.org)

VIRTUAL Thurs Aug 1, 12 noon – 1 pm WNPJ’s Monthly Drop-in Hour – Weaving the Web.. The first Thursday of each month. Hosted this month by Erika Bach – talking some politics and more! All welcome! Zoom contact info. Questions? info@wnpj.org

MADISON Sun. Aug, 4, 6:30 pm Annual Lanterns for Peace Event! Tenney Park Shelter (402 N. Thornton Ave.) Hosted by Madison Physicians for Social Responsibility. All welcome for this family friendly event to commemorate the lives lost in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings 78 years ago and make sure that such nuclear attacks never again take place. We remember the past, so that we can envision and work for a peaceful, just and nuclear-free future. Guest speaker – John LaForge of Nukewatch! More info? Visit: https://psr-wisconsin.org/lanterns-for-peace-2024
NOTE: Milwaukee’s Annual Lanterns for Peace event will be on Friday August 9th from 6 – 9 pm. This event will be highlighted in next week’s e-bulletin! Learn more here… https://www.peaceactionwi.org/

Opportunity from Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes:
Have you applied for the 6-week in-person series "Conversations of the Heart"?
Application deadline has been extended to August 16. Do not delay, there are only 21 spots available. While sitting in quiet reflection think about "What is yours to do; among the myriad challenges facing our communities, nation, and world, what is each of us most gifted, skilled, and positioned to do-or continue doing-to help heal the heart of democracy". - A video overview and application form are available here. https://www.csasisters.org/our-values/unity.cfm
UPCOMING, save the dates for NEXT week, Aug 5th and 6th:

350 Wisconsin Annual Picnic:
We hope to see you at our Annual Picnic on Monday, August 5th, 2024, at Brittingham Park in Madison! We are planning something special, including a volunteer fair hosted by all our teams and 350 Wisconsin Action. Watch for updates!
350 Wisconsin Kristen.Clark@350wisconsin.org

Wisconsin Grassroots Network (WGN) is a proud sponsor of March For Democracy Wisconsin.
WNPJ member groups Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and Madison Raging Grannies are participating. This event is supported by Safe Skies Clean Water WI as well as other WNPJ member groups!
Join us for speakers, entertainment, and inspiration on Tuesday, Aug. 6, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at the Wisconsin State Capitol, State Street Entrance. March for Democracy Wisconsin began as one woman's answer to the authoritarian threat we face. Other voices have joined hers. On Aug. 6, you can add yours to the chorus. We'll see you there.
WGN Task Force generalmail@wigrassrootsnetwork.com
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/wisconsin-state-capitol/march-for-democracy-wisconsin/298944889852271/
WAVE Educational Fund Is Seeking Volunteers for Milwaukee Laborfest!
WAVE Educational Fund is looking for volunteers to help table at Laborfest on September 2. Sign up for a two hour shift to help at WAVE’s information table. WAVE staff will make sure you feel comfortable and confident as you talk with attendees to spread the word about commonsense solutions that reduce gun violence and save lives. If you’re unable to help at this event, but would like to learn about other volunteer opportunities, email WAVE with the subject line: interested in volunteering.

WNPJ member group events for this week….
MADISON Mon July 29, 12 noon – 1 pm Monday Noon Vigil for Peace – Meet at the corner of MLK, Jr. Blvd and Doty St. For more information, call Tim at 608-630-3633
MILWAUKEE Tues July 30, 10 am – 3 pm Get Out the Vote Day of Action July 30 with WAVE. Meet at : MATC Downtown Campus – Cafeteria , 700 W State Street. Join with co-sponsors Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and Souls to the Polls for a Democracy-powered day of action! The August election is a critical primary in which voters will be choosing party candidates for various seats, such as the US Congress, Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly, and District Attorney. Plus, two critical constitutional amendments will be on the ballot, and we are urging voters to Vote NO to maintain checks and balances in our state government. The day of action will include inspiring keynote speakers, live music, free food, and volunteer breakout sessions for phone banking, text banking, canvassing, postcard writing, and more! Find more information and register today through the Facebook event. Contact: Heidi Johnson hj@waveedfund.org
MILWAUKEE Tues July 30th, 1:15 – 3 :30 pm Tree Canopy Workforce – Community Grant Opportunity. Meet at Havenwoods State Forest, 6141 N Hopkins St. Registration with Faith in Place: bit.ly/trees-milwaukee or reaching out to either Shahzad (shahzad@faithinplace.org) or Tanya (tanya@faithinplace.org) …see photo above…
FOND DU LAC Tues July 30, 6 - 8 pm Screening of "Cooked - Survival by Zip Code" - at CSA in Founders Hall (320 County Rd K) . Tuesday nights in July are CSA Movie Nights. Join us for a film screening and discussion. Complimentary popcorn, soda, and water offered. RSVP to reserve your seat. https://www.csasisters.org/.../tuesday-movie-nights-with.../ There is no cost to attend, but a free-will offering will be accepted. Films are intended for mature audiences. Childcare is not available. Wheelchair accessible. About tonight’s film: This film delves into the story of the worst heat disaster in U.S. history in 1995 in Chicago, when 739 residents—mostly elderly and black—died over the course of one week. The film links the deadly heat wave's devastation back to the manmade disaster of structural racism, shining a light on the issues of poverty, race, class, and education that underlie how natural disasters take lives. SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. Stay afterwards for conversations! csaadm@csasisters.org
VIRTUAL Wed July 31, 2 – 3 pm Weekly Line 5 Public Comment Support with Britnie Remer of 350 Wisconsin. Now through August 4th, the U.S. Army Corps is taking public comment on Enbridge’s proposed Line 5 expansion in northern Wisconsin. This is a significant opportunity to tell the Corps and the Biden Administration about our concerns regarding this risky project! If you’re feeling stuck in the process, need help with talking points, or are just looking for general support as you write your comments, feel free to virtually drop in and chat with Britnie, our Fossil Fuel Organizer, on Wednesdays through the end of July!. Register here: Learn more on Facebook.
MILWAUKEE Wed July 31, 6 – 8 pm WISDOMS Candidates Forum for Milw. Assembly Districts 11 & 12 & Senate District 4 (Special Election). At St. Matthews C M E Church at 7500 N 76th Street. Change the Future of Wisconsin's Politics! Join WISDOM to meet candidates, understand their positions and engage in meaningful discussions about our community's future.New lines & fair maps give you a chance to shape your state's political landscape like never before. Don't miss out - RSVP now: https://tinyurl.com/2bf79dxt office@wisdomwisconsin.org
LaCROSSE Thurs Aug 1, 12 noon - 12:30 pm Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil. Meet at Main St & 4th Street South. A weekly vigil for peace every Thursday. Contact Deborah. dbuffton@yahoo.com
VIRTUAL Thurs Aug 1 12 noon – 1 pm WNPJ’s Monthly Drop-in Hour – Weaving the Web. See Spotlight above for accessing the zoom . The first Thursday of each month. This month hosted by Erika Bach. Questions? info@wnpj.org
VIRTUAL Thurs Aug 1, 6:30 – 7:30 pm AUTHORS will be present tonight at the WILPF Monthly Book Circle: From Hardship to Hope, a novel by Judith Gwinn Adrian and Jaylin M Steub. Ruby Blue, a pregnant, homeless, Black teen is temporarily housed with Zoe, a White, olding widow, as Covid-19 disrupts their lives. Their daily pace slows and after a stormy start, Zoe and Ruby Blue begin to build trust, sharing increasingly insightful life experiences as they stay together. Zoe knows her world through books and travel. Ruby Blue knows her world through life on the streets. At the same time, the pandemic clouds the pace of life, the Black Lives Matter movement roils out of the unrest and the inequalities-laid bare by Covid-19-showcasing differences in job prospects, educational possibilities, housing opportunities, health care access, and societal transformation. Together, the women struggle with these realities. We meet the first Thursday of each month. For questions or more information on getting the zoom link, send a message to:wi wilpfmadison@gmail.com orr608-609-7961.
SOLDIER’S GROVE Sat Aug 3, 10 am – 12:30 pm Karst Exploration – At the library, 102 Passive Sun Dr. With Crawford Stewardship Project. Featuring our State Geologist and springs expert, Sue Swanson of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Division of Extension, UW-Madison This year we will explore and learn about our springs! Join us for the presentation at the library, then consider joining the caravan to visit local springs and other karst features. Light refreshments will be provided. Please wear weather-appropriate clothing and shoes, as well as your preferred sun and insect protection. contact@crawfordstewardship.org
MADISON Sat Aug 3, 10:30 am Monthly Community Conversations and Civic Engagement with Voces de la Frontera. At 2304 Cypress Way, Plaza at the Centro Hispano de Dane. Join our monthly conversations where we discuss informative, educational, and organizational topics. We also include a space to discuss political issues and civic participation, highlighting the importance of involvement in electoral commissions to protect our democracy. Nindik@vdlf.org
APPLETON Sat Aug 3, 11 am – 12 noon Fox Valley Peace Coalition Monthly Vigil. 100 West Lawrence Street. We meet to vigil on the first Saturday of each month. All welcome. Contact: Ronna Swift ronnajean61@gmail.com
MILWAUKEE Sat Aug 3, 12 noon - 1 pm Peace Action WI - Weekly STAND for PEACE: Santa Monica and Silver Spring. Each Saturday, a different location. Join us. Bring your signs. info@peaceactionwi.org
VIROQUA Sat Aug 3, 11 am - 12 noon Driftless Palestinian Solidarity Weekly Vigil. Meet at Decker and Main. Action Alert: The Driftless Palestinian Solidarity group has a petition to demand that Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and end financial aid to Israel's military. If your group is interested in getting signatures, please email driftless.solidarity@gmail.com. Thank you for your help!
RACINE Sat Aug 3, 12:30 – 1:30 pm Weekly Stand for Peace. At NW corner of Highways 31 and 20. Park in the SW corner of the Kohl's parking lot, near the AT&T store. Supported by the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice. We have signs, banners and flags available for all. Check out our website, for weather concerns. Free Palestine!
GREEN BAY Sat Aug 3, 11:30 am – 3 pm The Lauren Faith Smith Ministry for Nonviolence ‘Fundraiser for Veterans’ - At the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, 401 Gray St. Burgers, Brats, Hotdogs, Drinks, and “Fixin’s”, Silent Auctions, 50/50 Raffles and more! The Lauren Faith Smith Ministry for Nonviolence is working with Veteran’s 1st of NEW, Hope Center Pantry, Resurrection Parish, and JOSHUA to help marginalized individuals, particularly veterans who sacrificed so much, get back on their feet. This year’s fundraising priority is the Veteran’s 1st of NEW Tiny Homes Project beginning construction in Green Bay. Hundreds of veterans are in need of services in NE Wisconsin, as are an additional several thousand others statewide. Your donations will help! Thank you! E-mail: morgsat1@gmail.com Website: https://www.laurensministryfornonviolence.org/
MADISON Sun. Aug, 4, 6:30 pm Lanterns for Peace! Tenney Park Shelter (402 N. Thornton Ave.) Hosted by Madison Physicians for Social Responsibility. Join us for this family friendly event to commemorate the lives lost in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings 78 years ago and make sure that such nuclear attacks never again take place. We remember the past, so that we can envision and work for a peaceful, just and nuclear-free future. More info? Visit: https://psr-wisconsin.org/lanterns-for-peace-2024
Join WNPJ!WNPJ welcomes individual members and groups!
For individuals, join at a sliding scale rate of $35/year – or whatever fits your budget!
For between $50 - $75/year, a WNPJ membership keeps your group connected with peace and justice efforts and helps keep the Network going - and growing!https://www.wnpj.org/membership
We help our member organizations reach a wider audience by amplifying your peace and justice events and actions on our list-serve and Facebook page. Membership also provides access to our community tabling opportunities, our online toolbox of peace and justice resources, and a community that cares about your peace and justice journey.

Here's an opportunity for WNPJ member groups!
WNPJ member groups can sign up for a Saturday opportunity to TABLE at the Dane County Farmers Market – this Spring and summer at the Capitol Square. The Farmers Market opening date is April 13th – 7 am to 1 pm …and runs through Nov. 9th on Saturdays.
Bring your own table and hand-outs to the King Street corner of the Square, site #10, next to the VFP #25 table! You can't sell anything at the non-profit table, but donations to your group are acceptable.
Questions? Contact info@wnpj.org
If your group would like to get your events posted in the weekly e-bulletin – JOIN US! https://www.wnpj.org/membership

Join WNPJ – www.wnpj.org

Interested in a yard sign? WNPJ has yard signs available! yardsigns@wnpj.org
See our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WisNPJ
"Like" us and follow us!
Questions? Contact info@wnpj.org
Find photos and updates from the May 18th WNPJ Annual Spring Meeting here!
The WI Network for Peace and Justice is the umbrella non-profit organization
supporting the work of 86 member groups around Wisconsin.