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Clean Water Action Council in Green Bay - has jobs, alerts, and updates the week of May 7th! Check it out...


May 7, 2024

The office is open on Tuesdays and Thursday 8:00--4:00, or by appointment

We have intern positions open for summer and fall semesters and admirative assistant position open at this time. See JOBS below for additional details.

We have a composter special for $60 which comes with set up, delivery, and instructions. Email or call us.

If you have not yet joined or want to renew, you can pay with a credit card at our website. You can also click on the donate button on the bottom of this email if we already have your membership information. You can also choose to make a monthly credit card donation.

Please send us your events, job postings, actions, and news.

To help you find the Update sections that interest you most, the headings are in this order:








Can you choose one or more of these actions to do this week?

  • Take Action: Urge the Joint Finance Committee to release $125 million for PFAS remediation. See ACTIONS below.

  • Ask your local officials to ban coal-tar pavement sealants containing PAH. We can help! See ACTIONS below.

  • Schedule a presentation for your group by CWAC for one of our environmental topics, including The Hazards of Coal Tar Pavement Sealants or The Threat from Manure. See ACTIONS below.

  • Like/follow us on Facebook and share our content!


  • Be sure to use lawn fertilizer without phosphorus.

  • Several stores including the Door County Co-op and Fleet Farm have sold fertilizer with phosphorus (P) which is very harmful to our surface waters and leads to algal blooms when it runs off lawns or seeps into ground water and then enters surface waters. Wisconsin law prohibits application of fertilizer with phosphorus unless a soil sample indicates a need. At the Door County Co-op, there are many fertilizers containing P with only one small sign regarding use for lawns. Fleet Farm has sold a fertilizer mark "lawn and garden" with P.

  • Registration Now Open for Kewaunee County Private Well Testing on May 13.

  • Homeowner kits test for bacteria, nitrates, alkalinity, chlorides, hardness, and pH. Cost: $30 (Normally $70 - the rest funded by local donations by Local Water Quality Partners). Registration ends on May 10.

  • Call 920-845-9740 to register or email

Take Action: Urge the Joint Finance Committee to release $125 million for PFAS remediation.

Ask your legislator to urge the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) to release $125 million in already-approved funds for PFAS remediation. It's been nearly eight months since Gov. Evers signed this $125 million into the state budget, but the JFC has still not released the funds. We don't have time to waste. People are suffering health risks caused by PFAS contamination every day.

Take action now – write your legislator through Wisconsin Conservation Voters.

Wisconsin State Climatologist and the National Weather Service are recruiting individuals to report precipitation and/or drought conditions.

CoCoRaHS (Community Collaborative Rain Hail and Snow Network) is recruiting volunteers to help report the precipitation levels and/or drought conditions in your area. Their goal is to have at least one person per township in the state that reports on a regular basis. After reporting for 100 days, your backyard/site becomes part of the official climate record for the US, and after long term participation, can become part of the data that is used to determine climate normal.

For more information and to join visit here.

please consider making a donation at the $500 or greater level for these operational needs.

$500 for the balance of office rent.

Mail a check to CWAC, PO Box 9144, Green Bay, WI 54308 or use the donate button at the bottom of the page. Be sure to tell us where we should direct your donation.

Is Coal Tar Pavement Sealant Banned in Your Community?

Take actions to protect our children from PAH toxins. We sent action letters to 50 area town and villages. Ask us if a letter was sent to your municipality.

The state legislature is not going to act to protect citizens from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in coal tar pavement sealants. So, we need to get back to passing local bans to protect our families, friends, and environment. Therefore, local municipalities passed a ban such as Green Bay, De Pere, Manitowoc, and other lakeshore communities. The Town Gibraltar recently based an ordinance ban which you can read about here as well as the Town of Jacksonport.

CWAC can help with a ten-minute presentation to your city or town government or related committees. CWAC is available to give presentations on this concern virtually or in-person. Click this link for a video presentation on the topic.

Join the Fight Against Manure Spraying!

Educate Yourself and Your Community. Has Your Town Acted Yet?

Protect your family and your property values with a town or county ordinance banning manure spraying! 17 towns from Brown, Door, Oconto, and Kewaunee Counties have bans in place. Has your town banned this practice?

The threat is very real. Tankers were hauling millions of gallons of manure this fall. In some cases, they make more than a 40-mile round trip. See what manure spraying looks like at Spy Drones Expose Smithfield Foods Factory Farms at the 1:38 mark of this video, and for more information go to our website.

Contact us at 920-421-8885 to schedule a presentation to your friends, neighbors, organizations, and your Governmental Officials.

Schedule a presentation for your school or civic group for this winter, in person or virtual.

  • Using State and Federal Laws to Protect the Waters of NE Wisconsin

  • Citizen Action to Protect the Waters of NE Wisconsin

  • The Impact of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

  • Introduction to Moving Towards Zero Waste

  • Monitoring for Environmental Compliance

  • The hazards of manure spraying

  • Environmental Action & CWAC

  • The need for local coal-tar sealant bans because the legislature did not act.

  • Food waste composting made easy. Keep your methane producing organics out of the landfill.

  • Health Forums: Protecting your family from toxins in the home and environment.

Contact us today at 920-421-8885 to schedule a presentation.

FREE energy saving kits available now.

Anyone with an electricity bill can get a FREE energy saving kit from Focus on Energy every year. There are several kit options, with different combinations of LED light bulbs, low-flow shower heads, faucet aerators, pipe insulation wrap, power strips, and more.

Tri-County Recycling: What Do I Do With?

To learn where to dispose of certain items, use the link to take you to Brown, Outagamie, and Winnebago counties recycling websites.

Recycling website in the TriCounty area.

Wisconsin DNR Spill Hotline: 1-800-943-0003 (24 hours/day)

Report: fuel, manure, pesticides, and other hazardous and solid waste spills immediately! Your call will activate professional response and clean-up crews.


CWAC Monitors Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Renewals, Variances, and Modifications.

See the following current permit notifications for Northeastern Wisconsin counties. More information about the permit or to request a hearing can be found at the link below.

New Permits:


Permittee: Matsche Farm Inc, N9035 River Rd, Birnamwood, WI, 54414

Facility Where Discharge Occurs: Matsche Farm Inc, N9035 River Road

Receiving Water And Location: Surface water and groundwater within the North Branch Embarrass River Watershed & South Branch Embarrass River Watershed

Brief Facility Description: Matsche Farm Inc is a existing Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO). It currently has 13,007 animal units. Matsche Farm Inc is proposing an expansion in animal units to 14,515 animal units. Matsche Farm Inc has a total of 10,138 acres available for land application of manure and process wastewater of which 10,042 are spreadable.

The Department has tentatively decided that the above specified WPDES permit should be reissued.

Wisconsin CAFO Permits on Public Notice

This page lists public notice tips and pending livestock operation permits on public notice in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) provides public notice for all pending livestock operation permits.

Use your voice to alert WDNR of your thoughts on industrial livestock facilities by submitting public comments and requesting public hearings.


No. WI-0027189-08-0 MAY 3 Permittee: Manitowoc Public Utilities, PO Box 1090, Manitowoc, WI, 54221 Facility Where Discharge Occurs: Manitowoc Public Utilities, 701 Columbus Street Receiving Water And Location: Lake Michigan (Water Body Identification Code number 20) in Manitowoc County Brief Facility Description and Summary of Proposed Changes: Manitowoc Public Utilities (“MPU”) is a municipal electric, steam, broadband and water utility that operates three steam turbine-generator units that are fueled by coal, petroleum coke, or paper pellets, one natural gas auxiliary boiler, and one diesel generator unit that can burn fuel oil or natural gas and a membrane filtration water treatment plant in the City of Manitowoc….

Proposed changes include:… • Monthly monitoring of phosphorus, mercury, and arsenic for one year added at sample points 702 and 004… • Annual monitoring for intake water used exclusively for cooling added at sample points 901, 902, 903, and 904…

The Department has tentatively decided that the above-specified WPDES permit should be reissued.


No.WI-0062651-04- 0. MAY 2 Permittee: Vir Clar Farms LLC, N5421 County Rd K, Fond du Lac, WI, 54937 Facility Where Discharge Occurs: Vir Clar Farms LLC, N5057 County Rd K Fond du Lac Receiving Water and Location: Surface water and groundwater within the DeNeveu Creek and Lake Winnebago Watersheds Brief Facility Description : Vir Clar Farms LLC is an existing Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) dairy farm in the Town of Empire in Fond du Lac County…

The farm is operating at 3,502 Animal Units (2,305 cows, 114 heifers, and 750 calves) and is not currently proposing an expansion during the next permit-term… Vir Clar Farms has a total of 3,428.7 acres in their nutrient management plan. Of these acres, 2,284.8 acres are owned, and 1,143.9 acres are controlled through manure spreading contracts.

The Department has tentatively decided that the above specified WPDES permit should be reissued.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Water Permit Application Site.

All permits submitted to the DNR start at the Intake stage and are visible here only after they have moved to the Reviewer stage.


The Office Manager is a PAID PART-TIME position of 8-10 hours per week at the office on the UWGB campus! $18 per hour.

Work with the Executive Director to handle the business side of operating our nonprofit. Pay bills, complete reports to the board, and maintain records. Assist with conferences, presentations, and scheduling events. Maintain contacts with members, the CWAC Board of Directors, and help supervise interns.

For a complete job description, salary, and application instructions, send an email to with “Job Description” in the subject line and indicate which position interests you.

The Clean Water Action Council of Northeast Wisconsin is offering Summer and Fall Semester internship positions to begin in May or August 2024.

A $500 scholarship for 140 hours of activities during the semester is available, and the position has met university requirements for a three-credit internship. As an alternative to the scholarship, UWGB students could contact Elizabeth Bloedow, student employment coordinator, for work study eligibility at, or 920-465-2556. NWTC students should contact the Financial Aid Dept. at or 920-498-5444 for information about work study.

Applicants should submit a resume with a letter of interest addressed to Dean Hoegger, Director, The Clean Water Action Council of Northeast Wisconsin, P.O. Box 9144, Green Bay, WI 54308, or by email at For pre-application questions, or to arrange an in person or virtual visit, contact Dean at 920-495-5127.


Nathan Dhuey, DNR, February 19, 2024

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) encourages conservation groups, government organizations and private landowners to apply for a share of the $460,000 available through a federal Natural Resources Conservation Service grant. The DNR will use these dollars to fund two agricultural wetland mitigation projects, selected from the applicant pool, and add them to the Wisconsin Agricultural Mitigation Bank.

Funds can be used to cover most on-the-ground costs, including engineering, site construction, seeding and up to three years of maintenance activities. Funds cannot be used for easement purchases or land acquisition. The DNR is currently accepting applications for projects. The application period will remain open until two projects are selected. Prospective applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible to ensure consideration.

Link to press release

EC-SDC Grant Program for OTM/Non-profit NN Systems.

Emerging Contaminants – Small or Disadvantaged Communities Grant Program for Other-than-Municipal/Non-profit non-transient non-community Public Water Systems.

The 2021 federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) provided funds to assist public water systems in small or disadvantaged communities in addressing emerging contaminants. This program is known as the Emerging Contaminants in Small or Disadvantaged Communities (EC-SDC). The Wisconsin DNR received grant funds from the EPA and designated $4,000,000 to provide financial assistance to OTM and non-profit NN public water systems serving small or disadvantaged communities. This program focuses on PFAS and manganese as emerging contaminants. Application deadline is July 31, 2024.

For more information, visit here.

Environmentally Related Jobs in the UW System

Department of Natural Resources Jobs


Annual Spring Meeting of the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice

Saturday, May 18, 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Join via Zoom or at one of the Satellite locations

Our 2024 theme and program will include speakers addressing: "Environmental Justice - Confronting Extreme Extraction and Ending Resource Wars on Indigenous and Frontline People."

Connect on your own via zoom, or meet with a group to connect to Zoom at one of the satellite locations in Superior, Keshena, and Madison. If you know of others from your community who want to meet together for this event, let us know -, We have funds available for treats at your event. Some locations may offer social/potluck/networking opportunities. It's free, and open to all!

Register here for the Zoom link. These are the satellite locations set up as of April 22nd but watch for updates here.

Midwest Renewable Energy Association Industry Demo Day

Save on Demo Day Tickets - Limited Time Offer until Earth Day, April 22nd!

Friday, June 21st

The MREA Industry Demo Day is a brand new and unique event where participants can engage in hands-on demonstrations, join networking and educational sessions, and explore cutting-edge clean energy technologies. Participants will have the chance to link up with industry experts showcasing their products and take advantage of opportunities to earn CEUs. The Industry Demo Day will be held on Friday, June 21st, at the MREA fairgrounds in Custer, WI.

Learn more and register

Summer Nature Programs

July 1 – August 14

Monday-Wednesday at 10 AM

Join the staff at Crossroads at Big Creek, 2041 Michigan Street, Sturgeon Bay for a number of summer events, including the summer nature programs. Topics range from glaciers and fossils to the insects and amphibians in our wetlands.

Learn more

Wisconsin Land and Water Events Calendar

Their curated selection of statewide training's and events serves as a resource for conservation professionals, agency partners, and the broader conservation community and can be found here.

Wisconsin Land + Water Events page

New Leaf Foods, Inc. Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events (


Read about this week’s important news related to human health and the environment in NE WI.

Gov. Tony Evers increases Wisconsin’s commitment to plant 100 million trees by 2030.

By Jessie Opoien, MJS, April 22

On the shore of Lake Mendota at the state park named for the holiday's founder, Gov. Tony Evers on Earth Day signed an executive order pledging that the state will plant 100 million trees by the end of 2030 — an increase from the state's initial commitment of 75 million.

Wisconsin first joined the global Trillion Trees Initiative, led by the World Economic Forum and American Forests, with an Evers executive order in 2021. The order also included a pledge to conserve 125,000 acres of forestland by 2030.

The governor told cabinet members and state employees gathered at Governor Nelson State Park on Monday that he was a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Madison when Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 — a result of Wisconsin's former governor and senator Gaylord Nelson's advocacy.

Read more or Read WPR

Wisconsin abandoned rules on nitrates pollution. Now, solutions seem far off.

By Laura Schulte, MJS, April 25

Nearly five years ago, dozens of people wrote to the Department of Natural Resources asking for the agency to take a more comprehensive look at how nitrates are regulated in different areas of the state.

Many of them shared concerns over the ability to drink their well water, especially after manure had been spread by nearby agricultural operations. Others worried about the impact on future generations if the rule governing acceptable amounts of agricultural runoff wasn't updated.

"Wisconsin's natural resources belong to the people. It is the duty of the DNR to protect fragile ecosystems and to respect the finite nature of our groundwater," Elaine and Severin Swanson of Rosendale said in written comments regarding the rule.

Read more

A mix-up over bioengineered tomato seeds sparked fears about spread of GMO crops.

By Sasa Woodruff, WPR, April 28

The Purple Galaxy Tomato splashed across the cover of this season’s Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds catalog: a closeup of a blackish-purple tomato speckled with tiny pink dots. Next to it, sits a sliced open fruit, revealing deep fuchsia seeds and flesh.

“This beauty is believed to be the first — and the purplest — non-GMO purple tomato in the universe!” read the catalog copy.

Only problem? The seeds actually may have been a GMO variety, the recently released Purple Tomato, created using genes from a snapdragon flower by Norfolk Healthy Produce. The mix-up has caused consternation for the heirloom seed company that prides itself on offering rare and organic varieties and takes a firm stance against GMO crops. And it’s triggered debate about biodiversity and what can happen with GMO seeds when they begin to spread.

Read more


WMC vs DNR Article Supplement

The amicus brief, in support of the petition for review, filed by Midwest Environmental Advocates on behalf of CWAC and others can be found here.

Law Forward also submitted an amicus brief in support of the petition for review on behalf of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, which you can find here.

The entire case history can be found here.

Wisconsin PFAS Interactive Data Viewer

By Wisconsin DNR

See PFAS contamination sites across Wisconsin with this map created by the Wisconsin DNR. Information regarding fish consumption advice as well as advisories for contaminated waterways can be found throughout the map.

Learn more

Articles Concerning the Fluoridation of Municipal Water

The following link explores the recent research being done on the issue. You will find a sampling of the scientific studies and reports relevant to water fluoridation published since the HHS 2015 recommendation to lower the fluoridation target to 0.7 ppm

Learn more about recent studies.

Glyphosate Resources

Glyphosate is an herbicide and the main ingredient in Roundup, a popular brand of weedkillers. Research shows a potential link between prolonged and high levels of exposure and an increased risk of certain cancers. Roundup has been the subject of thousands of lawsuits, many of which are ongoing.

Learn more about Roundup and learn more about glyphosate.

Depth-to-Bedrock Evaluation, Bedrock Structural Analysis, and Groundwater Assessment for Southern Door County, Wisconsin

Thesis prepared by Patrick A. Brodhagen, Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy

Published by the David A. Cofrin Library at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Door County, Wisconsin, is a region suffering from significant groundwater contamination issues due to its vulnerable karst geology and existing anthropogenic land use activities. Current reasoning suggests implementing land use regulations defined by depth-to-bedrock conditions will be an effective tool for reducing groundwater quality impacts.

The primary purpose of this project was to create an updated depth-to-bedrock map and bedrock surface elevation map for southern Door County. Additional products included in this research are an average water table elevation map, bedrock structural analysis maps, fracture trace maps, and field verification maps demonstrating the compatibility of direct (push probe, well construction reports, etc.) and indirect (geophysical) depth-to-bedrock mapping methods. Furthermore, this thesis attempted to incorporate much of the research done on the geology of the Niagara Escarpment and vulnerability of the Silurian dolomite aquifer from the era of early European settlement to the present day.

Many aspects of the Silurian dolomite have already been thoroughly studied; however, data sources and key information from these projects still remain disjointed and need to be interwoven into a single comprehensible document. Numerous chapters have been written on the subject, but no one has compiled the metaphorical (and literal) book yet. This thesis aims to merge the concerns of vulnerable karst geology, anthropogenic land use, and groundwater quality protection and is anticipated to be a guiding document for researchers in other regions of the world addressing similar concerns.

Read full report.

Factory Farm Biogas is Bullsh*t

By: Animal Legal Defense

The Animal Legal Defense Fund did a great one on CAFOs and Biogas. It starts with explaining CAFOs and their impact then the Biogas piece starts at the 19 minute mark and is very well done and explains about the "trading credits."

Watch here.

The Food Print of PFAS. A FoodPrint Report.

By FoodPrint, Updated 11/01

Studying the PFAS crisis in Maine (as well as similar discoveries in New Mexico, South Carolina and Michigan) has helped researchers understand just how pervasive these forever chemicals have become in the environment, not just on farms but also in drinking water, wildlife and our own bodies.2 3 4 But our growing awareness of PFAS pollution brings as many questions as it does answers: Why are these chemicals so common in the first place? Why are they still in production, even as their impacts on our health and the integrity of the environment become clear? How are they making their way onto farms and into food? How prevalent are they in our food supply, not just in Maine but around the country? What does their presence mean for the health of farmers and consumers? And what do we need to do to address this emerging crisis?

Read report here.

Hogtied By Wisconsin Watch

Large livestock farms called concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, have proliferated in Wisconsin, stirring high-stakes debates about their effect on quality of life, property values and public health. A proposed swine operation in Trade Lake — pitched to be the state’s biggest — doesn’t yet exist, but it has occupied the hearts and minds of area residents and property owners for nearly five years.

Wisconsin Watch conducted more than 100 interviews with experts, public officials and residents and reviewed more than 5,000 pages of court documents, newspaper clippings, engineering and operations plans, emails and transcripts to examine the political, regulatory and economic forces shaping the project in the state’s northwestern corner. Simmering beneath a clash of values and personalities is a broader question: Who gets to determine farming’s future?

Read more emerging articles here.

Fact sheet: 2024 Water Condition Lists

Every two years, Sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) require states to publish a list of all waters not meeting water quality standards and an overall report on surface water quality status of all waters in the state. To comply with this reporting requirement, Wisconsin produces three lists: Impaired Waters, Waters in Restoration, and Waters Attaining Standards.

View these draft lists here.

Later is too late to act on climate change.

Potential Energy is a global, nonprofit marketing firm creating public demand for climate solutions. Over the past six months, in partnership with the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the Meliore Foundation, we carried out one of the broadest and most comprehensive global message testing studies conducted on climate change.

View report

Protect Wisconsin Towns from CAFOS. Operations Ordinances

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) can be locally controlled with an Operations Ordinance.

Learn about Operations Ordinances

Reducing PFAS in Drinking Water with Treatment Technologies EPA

Per- and Polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that persist in the environment. These chemicals have been used for decades in consumer products to make them non-stick and water resistant. They are also found in firefighting foams and are applied in many industrial processes. Unfortunately, the characteristics that make them useful are the reason they persist in the environment and can bioaccumulate, or build up, in our bodies and the bodies of animals.

PFAS also dissolve in water and combined with their chemical properties mean traditional drinking water treatment technologies are not able to remove them. Therefore, EPA researchers have been studying a variety of technologies at bench-, pilot-, and full-scale levels to determine which methods work best to remove PFAS from drinking water. Certain technologies have been found to remove PFAS from drinking water, especially Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), which are the most studied of these chemicals.

Those technologies include activated carbon adsorption, ion exchange resins, and high-pressure membranes. These technologies can be used in drinking water treatment facilities, in water systems in hospitals or individual buildings, or even in homes at the point-of-entry, where water enters the home, or the point-of-use, such as in a kitchen sink or a shower.

Read more here

Green America

Learn more about green living focused on recycling and what items you should avoid buying again. Visit here for recycling and Visit here for items to avoid. Explore the other resources made available by Green America.

Visit here

Wisconsin CAFOs and EPA Impaired Waters

Use Clean Water Action Council’s interactive map to find out more about how CAFOs are harming our environment and water’s. Click Here

Understanding the influence of nutrients on stream ecosystems in agricultural landscapes.

USGS National Water-Quality Program, National Water-Quality Assessment Project

By: Mark D. Munn, Jeffrey W. Frey, Anthony J. Tesoriero, Robert W. Black, John H. Duff, Kathy Lee, Terry R. Maret, Christopher A. Mebane, Ian R. Waite, and Ronald B. Zelt

Download and read the full report


Wisconsin Lakes YouTube Channel

Check out the videos "Using the Clean Water Act to Protect Your Waters: WPDES" and "Use the Clean Water Act to Protect Your Local Waters: CAFO Regulations."

Watch here

PFAS the Everyday Everywhere Toxin

By League of Women Voters of Wisconsin

News about PFAS is infiltrating our lives and – appropriately for "forever chemicals" – isn't going away. Contamination from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known as PFAS, has been found in sites all over Wisconsin, stemming from any number of the many ways these substances are used.

To arm yourself for the fight to clean our waters and protect the health of Wisconsinites, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin invites you to join us in the first of two virtual webinars that delve into how PFAS get into our bodies, how to protect ourselves, and what is happening at the state and federal level to mitigate this issue. Featuring guest speakers, Dr. Beth Neary, Co-President, Wisconsin Environmental Health Network, and Meleesa Johnson, Executive Director, Wisconsin Green Fire.

Watch here

A Review of Local Regulations and Moratoriums for CAFOs in Wisconsin.

CWAC hosted an online presentation along with MEA staff attorney, Adam Voskuil, regarding CAFO Moratoria. In this presentation Adam reviewed those efforts and discussed common starting points for local governments.

In case you missed it, you can view the presentation in its entirety at our YouTube Channel!

Clean Water Action Council PFAS conference recordings

What are the Health Risks from PFAS Exposure and how to Minimize Them? By Environmental Pediatrician, Dr. Beth Neary.

Fish Contamination from PFAS. Where and What Species? By DNR Environmental Toxicologist and Fisheries Biologist, Jack DeMarais.

Drinking Water and PFAS. What Testing are Municipalities Doing? What are Testing Options? By CWAC staff.

Legal Aspects of Addressing PFAS Contamination and Current Legal Actions. By Rob Lee from Midwest Environmental Advocates.

Panel Discussion: Current and Needed Legislative Efforts to Prevent and Remediate PFAS. Panelists include area legislators and Peter Burres from Wisconsin Conservation Voters.

Videos for each segment are available, so you can view each one individually.

Videos from Every Drop Counts: Coming Together for Water. WNPJ Fall Assembly

On Saturday, October 28, 2023

Dean Hoegger of Clean Water Action Council speaks about laws citizens can use to protect the waters of the state and about some current legal challenges that threaten to take away the DNR's authority and the rights of citizens to protect the environment and human health.

Play Clip

Lynn and Nancy Utesch, featured in the film Sold Down the River, spoke about the third world water conditions in Wisconsin brought on by factory farms, and affect farms in their region. This issue is being played out across the United States as politicians seem to put the interests of their corporate donors over the health and safety of their constituents.

View full program here.

Sold Down the River Film

Directed by Karen Erbach Lawlor

In the state of Wisconsin, third world water conditions have become an epidemic, brought on by factory farms and big agribusiness. Legislators seem to put the interests of their corporate donors over the health and safety concerns of their constituents, and they continue to support bills that protect big business and polluters. This disturbing trend has been happening across the United States.

Watch the video here.

Fallout of 'Forever Chemicals' - Clean Wisconsin

Aired November 14, 2023, by Clean Wisconsin

It’s no exaggeration to say PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ are everywhere, from our shoes to our pots and pans, to our takeout boxes. What are the health consequences of population-wide exposure to these toxic chemicals? Clean Wisconsin Science Program Director Dr. Paul Mathewson talks about the latest research.

Listen at the link below or wherever you get your podcasts!

Listen here.

The Hazards of Coal Tar Pavement Sealants. Why Communities Need to Ban It!

Clean Water Action Council presents The Hazards of Coal Tar Pavement Sealants: Learn about the danger to children from coal tar pavement sealant containing the carcinogen PAH. -Learn how it is harmful to fish and other aquatic organisms. -Hear recordings from a doctor, scientist, pavement sealant professional, and local officials. -Learn how other communities have protected their children and the environment and what you can do.

Fox River Cleanup: Lecture and Panel Discussion

Panelists and lecturers include Mark Holey, David Allen, Susan Campbell, Mark Villers, Mike Grimm, and Myles Dannhausen, Jr. Introduced by Mike Bahrke.

Watch panel discussion.

Cows and People Webinar

Hosted by Door County Environmental Council listen to Tucker Burch, a Research Agricultural Engineer, discuss the health risks associated with groundwater-borne pathogens in private wells.

Watch here

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Dean Hoegger, President & Executive Director, Gracyn Holcomb, Administrative Assistant, and Jenna Strei, Intern.


P.O Box 9144, Green Bay, WI 54308

Office Located in M.A.C. Hall, A-307, UW-Green Bay

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