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Action Alert from Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin - Madison


Because of the prior concern by WNPJ members about the bedding of the F-35s in Madison, I want to inform you of an important decision that is being considered by the “Personnel and Finance Committee” of the Dane County Board on December 18.  2023 Resolution 168 is a proposed Joint Use Agreement (JUA) among the airport, state, and federal military officials.  


Among other details, this proposed Joint Use Agreement includes:

  • Rent for airport use by the National Guard for the next 10 years will be $100!

  •  The military would have “indemnity,” - be free forever from liability for “hazardous substance exposure or pollution of or contamination to air, land, water, person or property” that might result from providing those fire and rescue services.


The proposed agreement, which has multiple indemnification clauses for the military, would leave the County, City, and taxpayers responsible for the cost of all past and future water pollution from PFAS. Cleaning PFAS out of our drinking water, streams, lakes, and water shed could likely cost many millions of dollars!


County Supervisors Yogesh Chawla, Heidi Wegleitner, Sarah Smith, Michele Ritt and Jacob Wright, have written modifications to the JUA that they want the “Personnel and Finance Committee” to consider at their December 18 meeting.  The full County Board will meet on December 21.  (See Revised JUA below)


This is a very short timeline, but your voice is critical in this decision. Please sign the letter to Dane County Board supporting postponement of JUA on Dec-18 and Dec-21 (Link:


In addition, please forward this information, with the attachment, to your Dane County networks, friends, and family.


Thank you so much.


Jane H Kavaloski

Safe Skies Clean Water



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