Fair Wisconsin
Mission: Advancing, achieving and protecting equality & liberation for LGBTQ+ Wisconsinites

Our work: Ending Discrimination
In 1982, Wisconsin made history by being the first state to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. This historic legislation has been protecting lesbian, gay and bisexual Wisconsinites from discrimination at their workplace, in housing, and in public accommodations for forty years. Our state law currently does not provide protections against discrimination based on gender identity or expression. At Fair Wisconsin we believe that it is equally important these protections be extended to protect all people based on their gender identity and expression as well. State of Wisconsin employees and contractors are protected from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression by Governor Evers Executive Order #1.
Currently the cities of Appleton, Cudahy, De Pere, Green Bay, Janesville, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Oshkosh (partial protections), Sun Prairie, Racine, and Verona provide these protections at the local level, with comprehensive gender-inclusive housing, employment and public accommodations protections against discrimination. In addition, Dane County and Milwaukee County have fair housing protections and personnel policies that prohibit LGBTQ+ discrimination and in 2023 passed trans sanctuary resolutions.
We continue to work to advance local nondiscrimination ordinances, statewide and in targeted communities as a way to increase protections while also educating the public about this issue and to underscore the need for comprehensive state and federal laws.
Contact information: Abigail Swetz
122 East Olin Avenue, Suite 100 | Madison, Wisconsin 53713 | 608.441.0143 |
info@fairwisconsin.com https://fairwisconsin.com/